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And that, all of it, has to be why I’m so drawn to Skye. Now there’s a woman who says what she’s thinking, and you never have to worry she’s putting on a front. It’s so damn refreshing.

I keep my hand on Maddox’s back but say nothing.

“Christ, Kathryn.” He rubs his hand over his hair. “You’re really going to blame Dad? He was trying to protect me, and anyway, that’s just an excuse. You don’t get to use a messy divorce as a pass for abandoning me foryears.“ He stands. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” He looks at me. “Riley, can we go? Please?”

“Sure.” My voice is low. I want to talk to Kathryn alone, so I say, “Do you mind getting the car?”

“Not at all.” He slams his drink before laying a hundred-dollar bill on the table and stalking out.

Tears are in Kathryn’s eyes when I meet her gaze, and I pat her hand. “Look—this is a lot for him to process. If you want this, don’t give up, okay?”

She manages a weak smile through her tears. “You think he’ll give me a chance?”

I hesitate but decide to share a piece of myself with this woman, who’s clearly remorseful. “I have a complicated relationship with my mother. And I hate it, but I’ve come to accept it. However, if she ever came to me, just once, the way you came to Maddox tonight, it would mean everything. Show him you’ve changed. And keep showing him. If you’re really different, he’ll come around. Everyone yearns for their mother.”

She looks away, more tears falling. She grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. “Thank you. I can see why Maddox is in love with you. It’s written all over his face.”

I want to stop her, correct her, but I can’t. She’s good, but on that one, she’s wrong.

Kathryn grips her glass tightly. “And now that you’ve shared something with me, I want to share something with you.” She swallows hard. “Fame. It crushes relationships. It can feel impossible to make things work when every single breath we take is being scrutinized. But I want you to know it’snotimpossible. I know that now. Just don’t let them break you.”

I squeeze her hand back, giving her a nod as I fight back the mist in my eyes.

Then I turn and walk out the door, something warm and comforting flowing through me.


What Happens in Scotland

And…I’m off to Scotland, baby!

Billy’s private jet is on the runway preparing for takeoff, and I’m actually excited to fly. My comfy chair’s footstool elevates when I’m ready to recline. I have a huge personal TV and a bathroom I don’t have to share with two hundred others.

I see how people can get used to luxury in a big hurry.

Through the small window, I see the morning sun hanging over the horizon, splashing gold and orange hues through the sky. I never thought of flying as being something enjoyable before. It’s hard to believe it can be a part of the vacation, so to speak. I mean, there’s an open bar, loads of food choices, and my own flight attendant. Of course, that’s if we don’t encounter horrible turbulence along the way.

As the wheels roll, I sit up straight for takeoff. But then the plane comes to a jarring stop.

My stomach leaps into my throat, and I hope there’s nothing wrong. That’s when I look out the window to see a black Escalade cruising up the side of the runway.

Oh, my God.

The SUV stops, and Maddox comes flying out of the backseat with a duffel bag, and my heart jackhammers in my chest.

The speakerphone crackles. “Maddox is coming onboard,” the pilot says. “Lower the airstairs.”

I unfasten my seatbelt and run up to the exit that the attendant is now opening. Maddox stands on the tarmac, and my eyes practically pop out of my head. “You came.”

He smiles as he rushes up the steps. “I did.”

“What about the film festival?”

He shrugs. “Told them we had a family emergency. Which is true. You shouldn’t be alone spreading your grandmother’s ashes.”

My jackhammering heart does a pirouette. “I can’t believe you did that.” I pull him into a hug.

He squeezes me tight, and a million thoughts and emotions run through me as I feel his body pressed up against mine.He came.
