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“Okay, then.” I’m starting to like this old cat more and more.

When we arrive at the door to an apartment above the bakery, there’s no answer. After Mac calls Duncan many times, he goes back to knocking endlessly.

He stops. “I didn’t want it to come to this, but Duncan’s not home and you’re leaving town. I manage these flats, so I have permission to enter, especially since Duncan said this was an emergency.” Mac pulls out that keyring of his and thumbs through each one.

“Are you sure?” I flash Maddox a worried look.

“Done it a half dozen times before, lass. Duncan leaves town a lot, and the last time he left his alarm set, which beeped for two days before I got in there to shut the blasted thing off. Believeme, this is part of my job, especially if the tenant has said it’s an emergency.” Mac shoots us a look. “But I hope he hasn’t kicked the bucket. Aye, do I hate going into flats when folks are in there rotting away. And I’m quite fond of this lad.”

Maddox scowls. “You’ve had that experience before, Mac?”

“Only once. Mable McAfee. But she was a hundred and two and still living on her own. A bit of a local hero, she was.”

I smile, and I’m not sure why. But I’m realizing that Mac is someone you can only shake your head and smile at because Maddox is doing the same thing.

Mac opens the door and ushers us inside. Tentatively, and one by one, Maddox and I enter. Ireallyhope I don’t end up in some Scottish jail.

“Duncan!” Mac hollers. “Hey, Duncan! It’s Mac. I’m here for the papers you have for Winifred’s granddaughter. If you’ve offed yourself, I’m gonna be scunnered!” Mac wanders through the house and finds no one, which I’m grateful for. I don’t want Duncan to be found dead, whoever he is.

I look around the tiny flat, which is neatly kept but old. By the worn, mismatched furniture, it seems like a bachelor pad. After looking to no avail on the dining, coffee, and end tables for some papers that might belong to me, we finally convince Mac that we should go.

“Well, hell.” Mac shakes his head, locking the door back up. “Now that Duncan’s not dead, I’m gonna kill the lad myself.”

On that note, Mac offers to drive us to the airport, and we both cross our fingers we make it there in one piece.


Back to Reality

We’re back to work in the studio after our break, and although everything’s the same,everythingis different. I can’t stop myself from stealing glances at Maddox from across the set. I try not to stare too long, as he’s dressed in his agent Knox Sullivan attire, which comprises a badge, a tight T-shirt and jeans.

Even our standing Monday coffee date this morning was a blast. We came up with a presentation and fundraising plan for theLords of Lairemovie idea we want to present to the Bingeflix board.

Jemma approaches, and I tense. “How’s it going?”

“It’s goingamazing.“ Jemma puts her finger up. “Hold on a second,” she says, punching something into her phone. “I just have to send a crucial email on my latest report I finished. It’s going to be a bombshell.”

“Oh, really? Good for you.” Even Jemma can’t ruin my good mood today.

“It’s top secret, but I’ll tell you since it’s going live at midnight. I found out that Sean Hollister fromSeas 55lied onhis son’s college applications. And you know how the publichatesliars. I could get the whole show canceled, and of course, Smith and the rest of the network execs are thrilled because it competes withUrban Dawn, and it’s holding our ratings back.”

I blink. “You’d cancel Sean Hollister?”

“Of course.”

Whatever. Today, I’m a duck, and Jemma’s words roll off my back. “Good luck with that,” I say with a bugger-off smile.

Now, on set, Maddox’s eyes settle on mine, a knowing glint in them as he swipes a hand across my ass. I hold back a giggle, then shoot him a glare. But then I remember we’resupposedto be a couple. So I don’t know what my problem is—we’re acting just as we should.

My head’s in the clouds. That trip. That walk along the cliffs. That castle. Sex with Maddox. It was far above and beyond anything I’ve ever had in my life.

Every time I look at him, my body reacts, and my mind replays our night together. But it wasn’t just that. It was everything: the jokes, the laughter, the fact he made me coffee and carried me through a field of cow pies. How he’s so artsy, and, deep down, a caring and kind man. How he was there for me on that cliff, helping me realize what’s been going on with me and why I’ve changed.

I see him differently now. I look at those hands that I know create magic. And, oh my God. That d—

“Earth to Riley.” Smith sounds beyond irritated. “You ready to shoot?”

