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In the air, the sound of the chopper makes it hard to hear anything, but we do have mics in our helmets.

“You quit the show,” I croak.

Maddox’s eyes are full of regret. “Yes. I should’ve quit that day we came clean. And I’m sorry for everything, Riley.”

I nod, not sure what to say. Or if I should even get into it now with all the noise. I settle on, “Thank you.”

“We have to talk,” he says. “But not here.”

“I can’t imagine why.” I smile.

“I have to leave for L.A. to get ready for the Emmys tonight. Will you be there? You have to be there.”

I sit, thinking. Or pretending to think. Of course I’m going to be there. After he quit the show for me? After he just stripped naked in front of so many cameras that everyone on earth will seeallof him? “I can try to make it.”

“Promise me you’ll be there.” He studies me like he has something else to say, but can’t. “Just promise me, okay?”

“Fine. I promise.” I put up my hand, and my missing ring reminds me. “The ring from my grams. It belonged to Lady Laire in 1403. My grams uncovered it. It’s going in a museum.”

“That’s incredible.”

“And I have the end to Grams’s manuscript. It’s better than good.”

“No way. Was it Colonel Mustard in the billiard room?”

I laugh. “I’ll tell you when we meet. It’s going to make an outstanding screenplay.”

“No kidding. I think it has Oscar potential.”

My smile widens. “I know it does.”


The Speech

I’m staying with Skye and Billy in Billy’s L.A. home, and I’m putting the final touches on my outfit for the Emmys. I have a hot pink jeweled necklace to go with my sleek gown, and I love that Sophie designed this dress for me. She knows how to make me look my best—and I need to because I’m back on the cast forUrban Dawn. So is Maddox.

His announcement worked.

There’s a knock on my bedroom door, and I expect it to be Billy or Skye, seeing if I need anything before we leave. We’re all heading to the Emmys together. Since we arrived, Maddox has been in meetings and events because he’s a nominee.

But when I open the door, I gasp.

It’s Mac, and he’s in a tuxedo.

“Mac! What are you doing here?”

He shrugs. “Maddox sent me an invite to attend the Emmys. And that’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, love. So here I am. Do you mind if I snag a ride with you, Billy, and Skye?”

“Of course not. I’m so thrilled you’re coming. What an amazing surprise.”

“Aye, Riley. I do have some things I want to go over with you. Mind if I intrude?”

I open the door wide. “Not at all.”

Mac takes a seat in one of my guest chairs, and I sit in the other. He says, “I know it might seem I’m a Bodach who should go on living forever, and believe me, love, I would if I had my way. Aye—so many things I still wish to do, and I’m running shy on time.” His smile is wistful.
