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“Me too.” His lips purse tight.

“But now you know. You don’t have to look back.”

He studies me, his hard expression softening. Slowly, he nods, and the tiniest shred of a grin hides in one corner of his mouth. “Now I know.”

“No looking back.”

“No looking back.” He gushes out a breath. “That’s freeing.”

“It is.”

He pulls me into a tight hug, and I hold him, feeling so sorry the relationship with his mom didn’t work out. But it’s good to see him accept the situation.

We enter the theater, and it’s overwhelming. It’s massive, ornate, and grand with red velvet everything and lighting everywhere. Stars are dressed to the nines, some far beyond the nines and into the next-level fashion of costumes that look like odd birds, explosions of tulle, or dresses that are more skin than material.

We make our way to our assigned seating near the front of the auditorium, a place the cast and crew ofUrban Dawnlanded because of Maddox’s nomination.

Despite everything, I hope he wins because I care about him and want the best for him, even if we’re not together. And he deserves it.

Smith’s ridiculous triangular goatee is back, just in time for this event. And there’s no Jemma to be seen anywhere because she gave her audio to the Bingeflix executives in hopes of getting Smith fired. They threatened a lawsuit, stating her actionswere illegal in the state of Georgia. At least one party of the conversation must consent to it being recorded, and she had no one’s. She resigned, and they dropped the suit.

She will not be missed.

When the ceremony begins, nerves bundle in my stomach so tight it aches. Because as much of an honor as it is being nominated, of course, I want Maddox to win.

I’m not a part of it since I wasn’t onUrban Dawnlast year, the qualifying time of the nomination. However, it doesn’t matter. I’m still nervous for my co-workers, and what it would mean for a season three renewal. But mostly, what it would mean for Maddox.

One winner takes the stage after another, and speeches are given. Some are too long. Some are a little cringy, and yes, some award winners have to be coaxed off stage by music.

Finally, when the categoryOutstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Seriesis up, our entire cast and crew tense. Maddox looks serene, which isn’t surprising. The only sign of nerves is that subtle twitch of the jaw, something only I see because of the hours I’ve spent studying his face.

A lifetime of training prepared him well for all this, but it’s still amazing to watch.

One nominee is announced after another, and it seems to drag on forever. Cords of anxiety slither over one another in my stomach, and the room blurs, but I focus on the speaker, James Harbor, which helps a lot. He’s a nice person, in show business and real life, and I’m glad to have some techniques to manage my anxiety now.

James Harbor says, “And the Emmy goes to…” James takes a ridiculously long time opening the envelope, as he’s having a hard time ripping it. “These old hands aren’t as nimble as they used to be,” he jokes. When he has the card out at last, he says, “And the Emmy goes to… Maddox Winter forUrban Dawn.”

The theater breaks out in cheers, and all the cast and crew ofUrban Dawngive Maddox a standing ovation. We’re all proud—I’m proud—and it’s truly a moment I’ll never forget.

Maddox smiles his signature beautiful smile, then lets out a sigh of relief, the only noticeable indication he’s been nervous.

When he makes his way up to the stage, his lips stretch wide as he surveys the crowd. He says, “I’ve ached for this moment my whole life, and I honestly thought it would never come. It’s a moment few in this world get to have, and I’m beyond honored to be among them. But I cannot imagine not sharing the special award with those who made this happen. I can’t thank my cast and crew enough.” After going through the list, he continues. “And Dad, I wouldn’t be here without you. And Skye, you too. Thank you so much for joining me here tonight.”

The room erupts in polite applause as everyone glances at Skye. She couldn’t be happier, blowing Maddox kisses with tears streaming down her face.

Then a contemplative look takes over Maddox’s face. “There’s one person here tonight that deserves to be up here with me. She wasn’t a part of our cast last year, but since she joinedUrban Dawn, the show has held the top spot on Bingeflix for a record number of weeks. I promise, that’s no coincidence. But besides that, I can’t imagine not sharing this award with the woman I love.”

I blink. Did he just say what I think he said?

He continues. “The woman who I don’t want to spend another minute without. The woman who makes me want to keep working hard, each day, so that someday, we may take the highest stage in art and in life together.”

Oh, God. He’s talking about me. I realize I’ve been slow on the uptake because when I glance around, the room is staring at me.

Maddox clears his throat. “You know, before the ceremony, something happened that could’ve ruined this night for me. But after, Riley Glenn took my hand and reminded me of the beauty in the deeply disappointing situation. She told me that now I have closure on an old wound; I never have to look back. That’s a gift. Riley, you’re a gift. You’re my person. The one who made me forget all the others. The one who makes me want to have kids because I know if you’re by my side, I’ll be able to do it right. I didn’t believe celebrity relationships could work, but you’re the one who’s convinced me I have to try. Maybe love doesn’t conquer all, but we have more than that. And I can’t imagine myself with anyone but you.”

At this point, my entire body is frozen and I’m not sure if it’s from surprise or fear. I’m equal parts flattered and terrified, but I’m well aware it’s more than just the people in the room who are staring at me: the cameras are all on me too, which means millions of viewers are watching too. This becomes exponentially worse when tears start rolling down my cheeks.

“Riley, please hear me out. I was scared. Everything was spiraling out of control. But I love you. And I think I loved you before it even started. Wait, I’ll own that: I loved you from the moment I met you. I went along with the fake relationship because I didn’t think I was capable of a real one. Something fake with you was better than nothing. I’ve never loved anyone before. I know I won’t find this again because there’s no other you.”
