Page 35 of Bourbon Breakaway

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“Did I say that?” She grunts quietly, pushing her barrel upright a small distance away from me. She puts her hands on her hips and takes a breather from the manual labor. “Ashton doesn’t want me talking about it. Hell, he wasn’t even going to tellmewhat happened but I mom-guilted him.”

I nod. I knew he wasn’t a cheater. But why would he part with his fortunes when he didn’t have to? And why doesn’t he deny the rumors? It doesn’t seem like the Ashton I know. Sure, he’s never been the swinging dick in the room, that he left to Logan, but he sure as hell knows when to speak up and give a piece of his mind and then some if required. It doesn’t make sense.

“I get that maybe Ashton doesn’t care what the media thinks about him, I mean, he’s always been his own man and not too concerned with reputation, but why didn’t he even want to tell you about it?”

“I don’t know. And anyway, the cheating is the only thing he told me about. When I asked him about the ridiculous settlement, he zipped those lips. He’ll never tell me. There’s something fishy going on. I always knew that woman was trouble, and not the good kind. But you can’t control your kids forever.”

That much is true. If I listened to my mom and Logan, Iwouldn’t have stayed with Eric for more than a month either. Some of us just need to touch the stove to believe it’s hot.

We head back over to the edge of the arena where the students will come any minute now.

Monica dusts off her hands. “Probably best you don’t bring it up with Ashton. He told me to keep it private, but I couldn’t bear the thought of you thinking less of him. I know we’ve teased you a bit over the years about him, but you’ve always had genuine care, and he deserves that friendship. I wasn’t sure if your opinion was affected by the noise online or not, and somebody has to defend his honor.”

I never doubted Ashton and now I’m glad I didn’t. “You know nobody can say a bad word about that man to me.”

Monica’s smile and her arm around me are as warm as my own mother’s. “I know, sweetheart. Thanks for your support. I’m glad he’s getting a little time with you to find himself again. He needs that grounding. He was happier than I’ve seen him in years this morning. You two had a good night, I take it?”

“It wasn’t a big one, but yeah… same for me. It was just nice to do something that felt familiar and normal.”

Monica rubs my arm. I haven’t explained to her why I’m here, but I’m sure Colt did, and she thinks maybe me and Ashton can lean on each other. But he decided not to even say as much as boo today so…

Voices reach us from outside in the corridor, and then one becomes distinct.

“I’ll be here, too, so you’re safe with me. I’m sure you’ll be off to that competition in Florida in no time.”

“Thanks, Ashton,” a young lady I know answers back.

And thenheturns the corner and enters the arena, alltall, dark, and handsome with my sister-in-law and niece right behind him. He limps over to me and his mom. “Hey.”

It’s a casual entrance, but my heart flutters like he’s the king of… well, I can’t think of any famous kings, but the king of somewhere. And a goddamn handsome one at that.

I shake loose from my need to stare. Does he know I love him in a baseball cap? Is he taunting me? Torturing me by being so sexy I need to clench my teeth? But I got good at playing it cool then and I’m even more robust now.

I smirk. “You’ve come to bother me again today? Nothing better to do?”

“I’m not sure anyone has anything better to do right now.” He places his hand on my niece’s shoulder and gazes down at her. “Eve here was just telling me that she’s come to prepare for a barrel racing competition with the Special Olympics.”

Sam, my sister-in-law, comes over to give me a hug and whispers in my ear, “I’m trusting your judgment.” Her comment is soaked with meaning. Sam is about my age, but she has a similar way to my own mother in that her most diplomatic words still sound like a threat.

My niece has Down syndrome and has been riding for years, but only in the past few months have any of us felt ready to have her try something more than trail rides and Western dressage. When she read about the equestrian competitions at the Special Olympics, the determined thirteen-year-old asked to join in on my mom’s Pilates class and has been going three times per week for a while now.

Eve’s core strength has improved, and much like the rest of the Hunters I know, she’s a bit of a daredevil. It was always going to be hard to stop her from trying something quicker paced, but it is a lot of responsibility for me. It’s a class for under twelves, but in this community, I could begetting a bunch of total yeehaws and struggle to keep an eye on her. And I did see that little redhead Gareth’s name on the list. But Eve is experienced, and I’m sure she’ll be sensible. Still, she’ll be on a horse she’s never ridden before, and I have to admit, that makes me nervous.

I glance over at the ponies Monica and I brought out. They are all tried and tested barrel ponies and seem calm now, but animals are unpredictable.

Monica says to her son, “So you two have it covered?”

Is she leaving?“I thought we were teaching together tonight?” I wiggle my finger between me and Monica.

“Oh, I just thought Ash could stand in for me. I invited Sam over for some cake during the lesson, and your mom is joining, too. That’s okay, sweetie?”

That is one good cover, but I’m pretty sure I know this is a setup. The only question is, whose idea was it? My mom’s? Or Monica’s? They both want more grandchildren so badly they forget Ashton would never cross the line.

Though last night, he seemed to forget that, too.

“Course.” I wave them off. “All good. Enjoy.”

Monica heads out, and Sam watches over her shoulder for a few steps before throwing caution to Eve.
