Page 7 of Bourbon Breakaway

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“You’ve been called worse things,” she teases.

“Not possible.” I tilt my head. “Though some have been close.”

Just then, a burly arm wraps around me, and Logan slides into the picture.

“It’s like a reunion here.” He points back and forth between Dash and Jolie. “You guys want to grab a table with us?”

“Too busy,” Dash says. “Just getting a drink to take back to the stables.”

“Me, too,” Jolie says. “We’ll leave you to it.”

Logan and I take the table I bagged and sit.He snatches the menu to check the specials. “Man, it feels good for us to all be back here.” He’s reading the menu and doesn’t glance up at me when he asks, “Have you gone through the plays Coach sent yet?”

I wouldn’t remember a play right now if someone etched it onto my brain with a tattoo gun. All I can think about is how different Jolie looks. Different doesn’t begin to describe it. “Nope. Not yet. I literally took in my shit from the movers at the ranch this morning and came here.”

Logan puts the menu down. “Cool, we’ll check out plays over grub.” He stands. “Are you having anything? I’ll order for us.”

“I was just waiting for you. Get me some of that carrot cake. And a black coffee.”

“Got it. Be right back.” Logan shuffles up to the counter and catches up on a word with Dash and Jolie. Well, Jolie really, since Dash doesn’t talk much.

I lower my eyes because I need to adjust before lookingagain. Reconciling Jolie’s ass in my mind as one to firmlynotthink of sexually is going to take a second.

She’s a stunner. I should have known she’d become one. Her mom was the MILF in high school.

I stare at my phone. When suddenly, crouched next to me, is a set of tits with a crease deep enough to suffocate a man. Jolie stares up at me, her green eyes sparkling. How did I never notice they were so damn alluring? How they’re hooded and sexual and make her invitation seem like it’s just for me?

“Hey, do you and Logan want to come out to Sly’s sometime?” She loses her balance and puts her hand on my thigh to catch herself, but when she regains composure, she doesn’t move it.

Logan sits back down across from me. I have to fight the heat creeping into my neck at his sister’s face being so close to my crotch. Especially with me thinking her mouth is so pretty.

Logan repeats the offer as if she already mentioned it to him earlier. “You up for it, bro?”

“What?” My mind is numb with Jolie’s hand still on my thigh, inches from my cock. You’d think I’ve never been touched before.

“Sly’s,” he repeats.

“Oh, yeah. Course. Count me in.”

Jolie taps my leg, this time feeling more friendly. She stands and wiggles her pants back fully up over her curves. “See you later.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “It’s really great to have you back.”

She saunters away, hair shining like liquid gold, dripping right above that glorious ass of hers.

I move my attention back to Logan, and he has aneyebrow quirked. “You okay? You seem all… I dunno… out of it.”

There are a million easy excuses to use besides his sister. “Just been a lot getting movers here this morning. The storage company dropped everything at like five-thirty. Guess they did an overnight drive from Cali.”

“Ah, yeah, early starts are tough.”

“Tougher when you drink too much.”

“What?” He feigns innocence. “You talking about me? Because in my opinion, Coach is overreacting.” Logan flaps his hand in the air and sits back, lacing his fingers behind his head. Life always looks so easy on him.

“Your drink ban officially ends in a month,” I remind him.

“You wouldn’t tell on little ol’ me, would you? What harm could I do at Sly’s?” The glint in his eye does nothing to hide he’s perfectly capable of doing harm anywhere and everywhere.

Logan finds mayhem wherever he goes. Usually, it’s the wild-child variety. Puck bunnies. Last call at clubs… But lately, he’s been in Vegas more than usual, and Coach thinks he’s getting tired on the ice. At our age, playing a good game means we can either be tired or hungover. Not both.
