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“Is that so?” A slow, wicked smile spread across Toren’s face. “Good.”

And at that word, chaos finally erupted.

Chapter 40

Decisions, Decisions

Gasps and cries echoed through the throne room, a storm of shock and fear. In their wake, the low rumble of countless murmurs flowed through the room and out the doors into the grand entryway. Tes winced, but atop his throne, Toren stared down at Ilduin with pure satisfaction. As far as she could tell, the High King didn’t even notice the noise.

“But the cloth trade! What…”

“I need the ore from Centoi for my smithies.”

“My family will be ruined. Our entire House.”

Tes’s nose wrinkled with distaste, although she could sympathize with their concerns. Losing such a long-standing trade partner would be a blow. But had they missed the part about her father’s attempt to assassinate their royal family? Had they been paying attention at all?

Though she wasn’t certain what she would say, Tes opened her mouth to rebuke them, only to be halted by a loudhmmph. A little to her left, an elder stared down a few of the younger nobles near her. The lady’s scowl highlighted the deep wrinkles creasing her skin—an ancient, indeed.

“I was here when the treaty was formed all those millennia ago,” the elder said in a low but firm voice. “And I would burn itmyself for the dishonor King Ryenil has done our kingdom. One wonders if the lot of you are foolish, greedy, or disloyal.”

“Forgive me, Lady Oreata,” one of the nearby ladies replied.

The others merely did their best to pretend they were anywhere else, but at least they remained silent.

Abruptly, Toren straightened, his expression turning hard once more. “Lord Ilduin, I’ve spent almost a year seeking out alternate trade partners for every good we buy or sell. Our armies are well-prepared. From the moment I learned that King Ryenil planned to murder his own daughter and use her child to claim my throne, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stomach the alliance beyond the time it took to prepare for its severance.”

Ilduin shifted on his feet, but he hid his discomfort well enough—from any who didn’t know him well. This much open assertiveness wasn’t typical of the earl, and Tes could tell that his boldness was beginning to give out. Her father must have been desperate for minions to send this one.

“You have no proof of such terrible accusations,” Ilduin sputtered.

Tes’s lips twitched. As usual, the man didn’t realize how guilty his reply sounded.

“Don’t I?” Toren asked coolly. A hint of a smirk crossed his lips, reminding her a little of Ber. Then the High King pulled a folded slip of parchment from the pocket of his robe and held it aloft. “Behold, the seal of King Ryenil of Centoi.”

The gold-dusted embossing on the corner of the parchment glowed beneath the bright globes illuminating the throne room—or perhaps because of the spells imbued in the seal. Those were an additional safeguard against impersonation, and Toren had no doubt learned to activate them without losing control of his power. She’d seen him activate his own seal when signing things in his study, after all.

“That’s…” Ilduin began, but even he was smart enough to give up his protests then. “What words do you claim as proof?”

Or perhaps not,Tes thought, stifling a chuckle.

Without preamble, Toren unfurled the parchment. “Some few months after the babe is born, I’ll arrange my daughter’s assassination. This will be no subtle immolation. It will be bloody, brutal, and most of all, public. Once you hear of this event, be prepared to act. If Ber’s challenge for your throne is unsuccessful, it will be up to you to see Toren dead.”

Bloody. Brutal.Tes crossed her arms over her aching chest, the unexpected blow of the words making it difficult to breathe.You knew he planned to do it,she reminded herself.It’s no surprise.Yet hearing the cruel words reverberating through the room cut through her worse than she’d ever imagined it could.

An arm wrapped firmly around her waist. “Breathe, Your Highness,” Lady Oreata murmured.

It took several deep breaths before Tes could reply. “How did you identify me so easily?”

“I’ve lived a long time, dearest,” the lady said, chuckling low.

Tes decided it was best not to reply to that.

“The current Duchess Hesslefyn provided these letters sent to her father, who was executed as a traitor,” Toren said. “For that, she will be allowed reentry to this court, as she clearly values Llyalia over her own interests. There is enough evidence in these letters to justify war.”

Ilduin took a step back. “War? But His Majesty didn’t want—”

“I care nothing for what Ryenil wants,” Toren snapped. “You will return to Centoi at once. I’ll confer with my king and my queen. I assure you that if we decide upon war, you’ll know it.”
