Page 10 of Inspiring Izzy

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He scratches the back of his head. "I did."

"Why?" I guffaw.

"Why not?" he counters.

I leave him on the driver's side and walk around the car. When I hop in his fancy SUV, I immediately open the glove box and begin digging around. No tampons. No hair scrunchies. No lipgloss.Interesting.

"What are you doing?" he asks me.

"I'm checking to see if a woman left any of her valuables in your car," I quip. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Brady turns on the ignition. "I do not."

"Do you have a wife?" I rephrase.

"I am single," he makes clear.

"Single as in on a break with someone? Or single as in not attached anywhere in any way, shape, or form?"

"Single, Iz," Brady scratches his beard.

I shut up after that. The drive through town is strange sitting next to the person I thought I was going to spend my life with. Have kids with. Grow old with.

Funny how things don't always work out the way we hope they do.

"So, that guy had a crush on you in high school," Brady chuckles.

I roll my eyes in the dark car. "Apparently."

"What were you like in high school?"

"Smart," I answer. "I liked to read, so English was always my favorite subject. Ava's the writer, though. She proofread all of my papers."

"Sounds like Ava," Brady laughs.

"What were you like in high school?"

Brady inhales. "I ditched a lot to smoke pot."

"I can see that," I glance over at him. He's staring straight ahead.

"I definitely would have jerked off to thoughts of you, though," he adds. "If we had been in high school at the same time."

My mouth drops open before I clamp it shut. "You and Eliott should form a club, then."

He turns down my parents's street. "Have you found a job yet?"

I chew on the inside of my cheek. "Still looking."

"You should stop by my office tomorrow," Brady keeps his gaze on the road.

"I don't know if I can work for you," I admit.

"What if it's on a trial basis?" he tries. "Give it a month and if it's too hard you can find something else."

"I'll think about it," I lick my lips.

We pull into the driveway and Brady drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "Can I look at you now?"
