Page 102 of Inspiring Izzy

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The frigid air whips me in the face as I carry a box up two flights of stairs. Steve is moving into this apartment today, and I got roped into helping.

Thankfully, Steve sold most of our old furniture and belongings in California before packing up the used Toyota he bought to make the trek out here.

He's trying. He's trying to be a better man for Brianna.

For so many years, I wanted him towantto be better for me. I wanted him to change for me. He didn't, and now I know why.

I was always meant to come back here to Brady.

In the end, Steve changed for the right person. Our daughter.

"Christmas," Steve snaps his fingers. "What do we have planned?"

I swallow hard. "Uh, Christmas Eve my parents are hosting, and then Aunt Jenny is doing Christmas Day. You are welcome at both, but Brady will be there."

"Brady?" Steve blinks slowly. "Why is your boss going to be there?"

"Dad said you could stay in the basement bedroom on Christmas Eve," I ignore his question. "That way you don't miss Santa or Christmas morning."

"Why is Brady going to be there?" Steve asks again as Brianna digs through a box of her toys.

"Brady's mom will also be there," I wave him off. "She has dementia."

"OK," Steve chuckles. "Are you sleeping with him?"

I click my tongue. "We should put your bed together. You'll freeze sleeping on the hardwood floor tonight. Even with the heat running, there'll probably be a cool draft."

"You're avoiding the Brady subject," Steve notices.

"We're not married anymore," I shrug. "I don't owe you an explanation."

"You do if you're dating your boss," he scoffs.

"No, I don't."

"We have a daughter together," Steve holds his hands out. "Don't you think you should let me know if you're bringing strange men around her?"

I raise an eyebrow as Brianna shouts, "Brady isn't strange. He brought me presents."

"Oh, presents," Steve taps his foot restlessly. "That's great. I'm now competing with a billionaire for my daughter's love and affection."

"You are not," I grit my teeth. "And can we be careful what we say around our daughter, please?"

"Brady just randomly brought our daughter presents?" Steve fumes.

"Yeah," Brianna answers as she twirls with a Barbie doll. "Puzzles and crayons and coloring books."

"Crafts," I hitch a shoulder. "Hardly presents."

"I don't understand why you won't admit you're seeing him," Steve shakes his head.

"We share a daughter. Not a life," I remind him.

"That's a low blow," he exhales.

"We shouldn't be having this conversation with Brianna so close by," I shake my head. "If you want to talk about it, then wecan meet up for coffee or something. For now, let's just focus on getting you comfortable in your new place."

"I just thought," Steve reaches for my hand. I pat his fingers and take a step back. We will not be holding hands. Or anything remotely close to that.
