Page 120 of Inspiring Izzy

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So, this morning, I called him and apologized. And I told him that I'd look for another job. He doesn't seem to think that's going to be a problem.

Me? I'm not so sure.

"You ready?" Brady asks me as he stands in front of my desk.

Angie's across the room, pretending to mind her business. We both know she's not.

"I love you," Brady whispers as he tucks a strand of blond hair behind my ear.

"I love you, too," I mutter back.

"Izzy," he quietly calls to me.

I glance up at him. "Yeah?"

"It's going to be OK."

Angie glares at us from across the room.

"Yeah," I lick my lips nervously.We'll see.

Brady squeezes my hand before leading the way to the conference room. Angie trails behind us, a dark cloud of gloom hanging over her head.

I don't understand Angie's reaction. She and Brady were friends in college. They've worked together for years. She's always been kind and friendly. Why is she so cold all of a sudden?

We have a strict no dating policy in this office.

Why would she lie about that?

The board at Cohen Tech is made up of six members. Brady, Angie, two older gentlemen, a young man, and a middle-aged woman in a vibrant lime-green sweater. They make small talk as I sit in my chair, my heart pounding in my chest.

Brady is seated to my left, and it's taking all the willpower in my body not to search for his hand under the table. I can't. It would be inappropriate.

One of the two older gentlemen clears his throat and silence follows.

"We should get started," he announces. "We've read the HR report and we understand that Mrs. Chatsworth will be pursuing legal action if we don't resolve the issue at hand."

"Legal action?" the younger man gives her a perplexed look.

"Yes," Angie crosses her arms over her chest. "We have a strict no dating policy in this office."

"We do not," the woman in the vibrant lime-green sweater responds.

"But..." Angie swallows harshly, "Brady said that we did."

I glance between my husband and his business partner.

"When did I say that?" Brady tilts his head to the side.

"When..." she trails off. "When we started the tech company. We were drinking wine at that bar in Denver unand you said..."

Something like recognition crosses Brady's face. "I was joking."

"You were?" she clicks her tongue.

I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. Why do I get the impression that Angie was—or is—into Brady?

"I told you that business partners shouldn't date," Brady reminds her. "I never said it was a policy."
