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He held me close, his fingers gripping the back of my shirt.

“Anything you want,” he whispered in my ear. “Anything you need, Maya.”

The way he said my name... I would never get tired of it. His hot breath in my ear was what threw me over the edge. I opened my eyes wide as the orgasm swept me away, and I thought I saw light peeking through the cracks in his skin. I didn’t know whatit meant. I had no idea how golems worked, aside from what he’d told me. His skin radiated an intense heat that amplified my orgasm, and I let out a cry as I came long and hard.

It took me a minute to recover. He waited patiently, his fingers combing through my hair. When my mind cleared, I let go of him and put some distance between our bodies, so I could look up into his eyes. From dark, they had become completely red.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “This is happening fast, I know.”

“Never apologize for how you feel.”

He placed a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. When he stood up, I didn’t stop him. He straightened his clothes and rolled his shoulders. He was getting ready to do what he’d said he’d do. I wanted him with me, but I also wanted to know why Lockwood had kidnapped me.

“Are you going to be okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “Come back to me.”

“Of course I will. We’re getting out of here tonight.”

I reached up and clung to his sleeve for a second.

“Mason, I’m sorry I dragged you into this. My life’s a mess, and I don’t even know why. You have a family... Your brother, your niece and nephew... I hope this isn’t too dangerous.”

He took my hand in his and looked me in the eye.

“I’m the one who’s dangerous, Maya. Lockwood has no idea what he got himself into, but he’ll soon find out.”

“Be careful.”

“I won’t be long.”

With that, he left, and I was once again alone in the basement. He’d left the light on and didn’t lock the door. I appreciated it, but I had no intention of leaving here without him. I truly hoped he was more dangerous than my captor, who was, after all, only human. But I knew nothing about Dr. Vincent Lockwood. He’d been able to kidnap me all by himself. However, Mason was a golem. The only reason he hadn’t done anything to Lockwoodyet was because he’d been hired by him, and he’d wanted to play his cards right, so we could get the information I wanted.

Tonight was going to be a long night, but not longer than the nights of torture Lockwood had put me through.

It was going to end soon. I just needed to hang tight.

Chapter Thirteen


I had to move slowly, which I hated, but considering my height and weight, it was the only way I could be stealthy. To some extent, at least. The house was quiet. I started with the first floor, which I knew well, and as I expected, I didn’t find anything. The rooms on this floor were all normal looking, as they were the most frequented by staff and visitors. Nothing shady here. I turned my attention to the stairs, which led to the second floor and above, wondering if they were going to creak under my massive weight. I was going to have to be extra-careful and have a story ready in case I ran into Lockwood.

Though, at this point, I was tired of telling stories. I was tired of pretending. If Lockwood had the misfortune of finding me snooping, my Plan B was to immobilize him, make him tell me what I needed to know, and then tie him up to a chair, like he’d done so many times to Maya.

The stairs did creak a little, but I managed to make my way to the second floor with no incidents. Every five seconds, I stopped to listen to the sounds of the mansion. The second floor presented me with too many doors to my liking. I had to be vigilant and choose wisely. The last thing I needed was to barge into Lockwood’s private quarters.

I opened one door, and it was a bedroom. Empty. The bed was neatly made, so I guessed it must have been a guest bedroom. I opened another door, praying Lockwood wasn’t sleeping inside, but it was just another empty room. Okay, so it seemed like the second floor was all bedrooms. The smart thing to do was to advance to the third floor and see what was there. Once again, I braved the stairs, one step at a time, moving as gingerly as I could.

The third floor was more airy and seemed to be divided differently than the second floor. The doors weren’t all the same, and when I opened the first one, I found myself in a library that was filled with books. It was grander than the one on the first floor, and if that one had fiction books on its shelves, this one only had biology and chemistry books. I lost interest easily and moved to the next door.

Jack pot. I’d found Lockwood’s lab. As I walked between the tables, my eyes raking over the glass hardware and machines I had never seen before, I willed the fire that burned in my belly to grow brighter, so it would illuminate the room better. In the dark, I didn’t need artificial light. I could use my own fire to see. I found tubes filled with blood, and I knew it was Maya’s. That only made my fire burn stronger.

At the back of the lab, there was a door. I opened it and found myself in a study. There was a huge mahogany desk, leather armchairs and a leather sofa. My intuition told me this was the place I’d been looking for. I rounded the desk and started pulling out the drawers. Sure enough, they were filled with files and stray documents. I gathered them and placed them on the desk, and as I sank into the chair, I started going through them.

I didn’t have time to read them all. I didn’t care for Lockwood’s research, and I only looked for Maya’s name. Maya Lucas. I rummaged through files and papers until I found a rather thick file with her name on it. With trembling hands, I opened it, feeling slightly sick to my stomach, not knowing what I would read inside.

Lockwood had accused Maya of having done something to his mother. Since Maya still suffered from partial amnesia because of the concussion he’d given her, the question of whether he was lying or not still lingered. I went over the first page in the file, which contained general information about Maya. Name, age, address, job, blood type, and a few other details. The next fewpages were dedicated to her family, which I found odd. There was a family tree, and I traced it with my finger, reading out the names in a low voice, trying to pay attention to who these people they were to Maya. As she’d told me, she didn’t have any siblings. However, she had cousins, aunts and uncles. The family tree went all the way to her great-great-great grandparents, and the name of her great-great-great-grandfather was circled with red. He had a pretty odd name – Korin Lowcastle. Fancy. It didn’t sound particularly American or... human, for that matter. But what did I know?
