Page 13 of Rock Bottom Romance

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A small welt formed, itching. She’d better hurry inside with all her gear before they ate her alive. She scurried into the tent, zipped the flap shut, and rubbed her hands down her legs. Who the hell did this for fun?

She knew someone who did. Her friend Jenna, the only one who hadn’t turned on her.

Crystal longed to see a friendly face and vent. Jenna had always been there for her. They’d bonded as kids on a show in San Diego, where Jenna’s Navy SEAL father was stationed. Kind of amazing with all the moving around Jenna did that she’d kept in touch. But they both had a desperate need for a real friend, and they’d been through hell together on that program.

Even though Jenna was an adventure guide who spent a lot of time in remote locations with no cell service, she managed totalk to Crystal on a regular basis. She sat on the floor and clicked her contact number.

Jenna answered, adjusted the angle of her phone to center her face on the screen, and smiled. “Hey, girl. Great timing. I’m off the grid starting tomorrow.”

As always, Jenna had that wild-child look, with her untamed red hair falling in ringlets around her face. The sight of her and the sound of her voice eased the lonely ache in Crystal’s chest. “Where are you?”

“Canada. We’re hiking and camping along the Saint Lawrence River. It’s gorgeous here.” Jenna turned the phone around and scanned the area.

The sky was hurt-your-eyes-bright-blue over beautiful, turquoise water. “That’s as pretty as the Caribbean.”

Jenna’s face came back on the screen. “Only way, way colder. We’re having a blast, though. How are things with you?”

Crystal held up her hand to the phone camera and wiggled her fingers. “I’m down to nine nails, my leg is bleeding from bug bites, and the guy who runs the campgrounds is this buff, by-the-book, condescending, arrogant ass that I just want to—”


Crystal jerked her head back. “Kiss? Where’d that come from?”

“You started with buff.” Jenna leaned back and flexed a biceps, laughing.

She had a point. A really annoying point. “No. I’d rather throttle him.”

“I’m dying to see what he looks like. Send me a pic.”

“I don’t have one. He won’t allow any film of him shared, and I sure as hell didn’t take any pictures.”

“All right.” Jenna leaned in closer. “You okay, aside from mister-know-it-all?”

Crystal glanced from her torn nail to all her gear piled up in a corner. “Yeah, this just sucks.”

“I know it’s not your thing, but what choice do you have?” Her eyes softened. “After your mother—”

“Let’s not talk about her. That will depress me more.”

Jenna gave a slow nod. “Fair enough. I wish I could be there with you.”

“I’d love the company.” Crystal stood. “I need to go. Thanks for the chat, and don’t fall off any cliffs or get trampled by a moose.”

“You know I’m better than that. Hang in there, girl.” Jenna winked and waved goodbye.

Crystal swiped to hang up and drummed her fingers on a knee. Jenna thought Crystal wanted to kiss Zach? Crazy talk. No freaking way. Yet, when he’d wiped his face with the hem of his shirt after being hosed, she’d checked out his ripped abs. Who wouldn’t? It meant nothing.

Frogs croaked until they reached a crescendo that hurt her ears. She covered them and squeezed her eyes shut. How was she ever going to sleep with all the noise?

A lone, long howl made her stomach vault. Maybe a coyote? She had to pee, and now that she’d moved closer to the lake, the restroom was a hike. Ugh. She peered out the tiny, screened window of the tent. No wild animals in sight, but she couldn’t see far in the dark.

Looked like she’d be peeing in the woods.

She grabbed her phone and brought up the missive Zach had emailed to her. When she got back, she’d read it after all.

Especially the section on wild animals and bears.

Cold water seeped down Crystal’s back, waking her as rain battered the top and sides of her tent. She sat up. Her butt and legs sank into the sopping wet sleeping bag. With a gasp, she jumped to her feet and whacked her head on the top of the tent.
