Page 56 of Rock Bottom Romance

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“What?” Zach fought to keep his focus, but the chaos had every nerve on edge. He had to leave before a full-out episode ensued.

“Let’s talk in private.” Brody headed into the woods, and Zach followed.

When they reached the lake, he stopped and took a breath. Better.

Brody glanced back at the campsite, then faced Zach. “I’m sorry about this situation. I didn’t realize what an impact having the show filmed here would have on you.”

“It’s all right. I just need a second.” Zach held up a hand, his pulse slowing.

Brody waited a beat, slid his sunglasses up on his head, and looked Zach in the eyes. “You saved Crystal’s life. I saw her fall. It’s a damn good thing youwerethe superhero today.”

“Not everyone sees it that way.”

“Too bad.” Brody grimaced. “Sydney can French kiss a cobra. I got your back.”

Warmth spread through Zach, soothing his frayed nerves. His brother was standing up for him instead of arguing.

“You sure you’re okay?” Brody asked.

“Yeah.” The panic had subsided. Now he wondered about what had happened. “Do you know why Crystal climbed the tree?”

“Apparently, she mistook the big, black Newfoundland dog for a bear and panicked.” Brody shrugged. “No idea why she thought there were bears around here.”

A pit formed in Zach’s stomach. He’d implied as much when she’d first come to check out the place, trying to scare her off. His comment that bears seemed to be people’s biggest fear was meant to make her think they were in the area. Sure, South Carolina had bears, but up in the mountains, not down by the shore and lake. It hadn’t helped he’d also hyped up the fire ants, although they were real. She wouldn’t have been in the tree or so panicked without those thoughts. If she had died, it would have been his fault.

“I’m just glad she’s safe,” Zach said.

“She’s lucky you caught her. You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Brody turned and took a few steps toward the camp.

“Hey,” he called.

Brody paused. “What?”

“Thanks, bro.”

After a quick nod, Brody walked back up the slope.

Zach strode to the edge of the lake. He splashed water on his face and took a long, deep breath. The emergency vehicles left, and calming silence filled the space. He stood still for a while, letting his body relax.

He couldn’t get Crystal off his mind. She’d been terrified and traumatized. He needed to see if she was okay before he left the area, so he hiked toward her tent.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Crystal crossed her arms and took a deep breath. Light-headed and weak in the legs, she gripped a tent pole for support. She glanced up as Sydney stormed toward her from across the lawn.

“What a complete shit show.” Sydney waved her hands, spewing spittle, her face blood-red. “Do you know how much that asshole Zach is costing us?”

“That asshole saved my life.”

“Not the point. He ruined an action-packed rescue scene. It would have made a good episode, only we can’t use any videos of Zach.”

Crystal blinked to clear her vision and fight off the dizziness. “I’d never have approved that clip anyway. You think it was a scene? I wasn’t acting. I could have died, but all you care about is this stupid show.”

“Damn right. And his interference is delaying our production schedule,” Sydney said.
