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Now it was nothing but cheers, and my heart was so full. I could feel Hannah’s energy flutter. She loved this. The spotlight, being the center of attention. I had to figure out how to make it last for her once our episode was over.

“You look absolutely fierce,” Bibi said. “So you had an interesting journey to get here, as our superfan forum winner. If you could describe your experience in one word to your fellow superfans, what would it be?”

“Bibi, you know I’m not a one-word kind of woman,” she teased.

“And you know I like to challenge you.”

“Fine. One word.” She paused, and I could picture the playful look on her face. “Surreal.”

“That’s a very good description of this episode,” Bibi said. “Speaking of this episode, last time we were here, you picked Armand to take you out. How did that work out?”

“Terrible.” She paused again, allowing the boos. “Armand was a bad wolf with even worse intentions. I knew it was a mistake as soon as I called his number.”

“That means only one beast can be waiting for you on the other side of the stage…please welcome the most unique contestant we’ve ever had onThe Mating Game…Lars, are you there?”

Tina nodded and I headed up the stairs. My legs were like jelly. This time, the audience wasn’t so shocked to see me. I waved to them and held my breath. Tina had said they had maximum security in place, but something was off. I could feel the undercurrent even with Hannah’s energy so strong, so close.

“Hi, ladies. Everyone.” I said into the microphone. The crowd answered with cheers and a few boos.

“You’ve lived a long time, Lars,” Bibi said. “But this episode managed to surprise even you. We had an unexpected appearance from your brother.”

“Yes.” I said over the boos. “He’s gone back to the earth now. I apologize for the chaos that he caused. I hope things can go back to normal, for all of us.”

“How did you feel when Hannah picked Armand, last time we were here?”

I reminded myself that she was only doing this for the crowd’s benefit. That he wasn’t actually here. But I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off.

And my growl said everything I couldn’t put words to.

“That is a very honest assessment of the situation.” Bibi laughed. “Before we get to the big question everyone is dying to know the answer to, let’s look back over this—”

“Bibi!” A tall, curvy woman with a wild swirl of red, curly hair stormed on stage. “It’s time we let all these people know the truth, don’t you think?”



“Calista.” I could hardly believe my own eyes. We’d had so many incredible, improbable things happen this episode that my long-lost best friend walking on stage in the middle of our Mate Claim segment shouldn’t have caught me off guard.

But sweet moon, did it ever. I couldn’t even breathe.

She stood before me, hands on her ample hips. She wasn’t as voluptuous as I remembered her, but moon only knew what kind of conditions she’d been living in while she’d been missing. Her red hair was shockingly vibrant against her pale skin, and she’d worn a black wrap dress and a statement necklace for the occasion. She looked stunning.

Not like she’d crawled out of some cave filled with zombie beasts. Which raised even more questions about where she had been. And why I hadn’t heard back from my old pack when I’d contacted them for help.

Had they known where she was all along?

“That’s all you have to say to me, after all this time? After all you’ve put me through?”

Gasps and murmurs rolled through the crowd.

The last thing I wanted to do was have this conversation live on stage. But there was no other way to do it now.

“Of course not.” I still couldn’t believe I was actually talking to her. That she was here in front of me. “I didn’t put you through anything. I was more than clear with you when I left the pack, and why I did it.”

“You’re my mate, Bibi.” Her eyes were so big, full of hope. My heart swelled when I looked at her, but not because I agreed with her. She represented the best part of my former life.

The crowd ooohed at her declaration.
