Page 51 of Fumbled Past

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I place my hand on his chest. “Okay, I’m good. I just have to pee.”

“I’ll walk with you.”

“Oh, no. I’m fine. I promise. I’m just going behind that tree over there.” I point off in the distance, then place my hand back on him. “Your job is to make sure no one goes over and sees me.”

He shakes his head with a laugh at my antics. “You got it.”

I make my way over to where I said I was going and work my pants down so I can squat. The movements prove to be much harder than I planned, especially since I can’t stop laughing every time I almost fall, but I finally am able to get the job done and pull my pants back up.

As I make my way back to the group, I look over at a couple making out next to a truck and instantly see red.

Anger I’ve never felt before washes over me as I stare at the two people I can’t believe I’m seeing wrapped in each other’s arms.

Before I know it, I’m rushing toward them and yanking them apart.

“You bitch!” I yell.

“What the fuck, Sadie?” Megan says as she stares at me in shock.

“How fucking dare you make out with him!” I scream, gaining the attention of everyone around me.

“Whoa, Sadie. What’s your problem?” Beau says as he reaches for Megan to make sure she’s okay.

“Are you two hooking up?” I glare at both of them, then stare at Megan. “How could you? You knew I had something for him.”

Megan lets out a sharp laugh. “Um, you have a boyfriend, Sadie. Or did you forget?”

Just then, Aaron walks up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down.

I turn around and see the expression he’s wearing, then notice everyone else staring at us.

Reality of the situation washes over me, and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Beau grabs Megan’s hand and leads her away, saying over his shoulder, “Pretty shitty feeling, seeing the one you like with someone else, isn’t it?”

They walk away as everyone yells, “Oh!” and they cheer on the words he spit in my direction.

Everyone, except Aaron.

I’ve never seen him so angry, and I know I’ve fucked up big time, but I have no idea what washed over me to cause me to react that way.

I blame the alcohol.

“What the fuck was that about?” Aaron asks once everyone goes back to the party and leaves us alone.

I don’t know what to say, so I just sit there and stare at him, feeling drunker now than I did earlier.

“Do you still have feelings for him?” he demands.

“No.” I stomp my foot down like a little girl.

“That sure seems like you’re trying to convince yourself of that answer.” He glares.

“I’m drunk. I thought she was kissing you.” I step toward him.

He steps back. “Bullshit. I heard what you said. You knew that was Beau the entire time. So, answer me, Sadie. Why did you care that they were making out?”

“I don’t know, all right? I just reacted.”
