Page 113 of How We Hated

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Dalton shrugs. “We both know he’s not going to change.”

Dad sighs with a shake to his head. “Unfortunately, not.”

“Okay, you three. Time to get to school,” Mom says.

We say our goodbyes as Dalton and I head to his truck and Thomas walks toward his.

“See you there,” Dalton says to Thomas.

To see Thomas nod his agreement and be okay with me getting in Dalton’s truck is the best feeling in theworld. For so long I was terrified of what would happen if my family knew I was dating Dalton, and here they are more than okay with it, they’re accepting it.

We hop in the truck and Dalton reaches over to squeeze my hand with an expression happier than I’ve ever seen on him.

We head to school where he parks in his normal spot. When his crew, along with Ashley and Susie, see me jump down from the passenger side they all come over to greet us, obviously happy to see we can finally be out in the open with our relationship.

Ashley, Susie and I pull up to our last football game of the season, and of our time at Leighton River. Dalton asked that I meet him at the back of the school so we all exit the car and head to where he said would be best.

After a few minutes, the team exits the locker room and he heads straight to me.

“You have what I need, Ashley?” he asks.

Ashley grins from ear to ear as she hands him a black paint pen. “Sure do.”

He takes it from her then turns to me. “May I?” he asks, holding up the pen for my permission.

My heart flutters as I nod, trying to hold back tears of joy.

He has a cheesy grin on his face as he paints his number, 81, on my face. Ashley and Susie cheer behind me and even Marcus, Ben and Eli hoot and holler when they see what’s going on.

“Finally, we get to tell the world,” he says before he kisses me.

“Finally,” I respond, loving the fact that I’m able to be his out in the open, for everyone to know.
