Page 22 of Filthy Boy

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I texted him this morning and told him to meet me at my place right after practice. And that’s all I’m giving him because in order to pull this off, he can’t know anything until I give him the T-shirt I made on my Cricut last night. I just hope he doesn’t want to totally kill me for this.

As soon as I hear his truck pull in, I beeline it outside and meet him in the parking lot before he has a chance to come through the door.

“I hope you have your fun pants on today!” I squeal. “Because you’re gonna need them, boy.”

“Every one of my pants is fun, babe.” He gives me that sweet grin before looking at my shirt. “Most magical day ever? What is that supposed to mean? Are we eloping or something? If we are, I’m all for it. But give a man a heads-up.”

Reaching into my bag, I pull out a shirt and thrust it toward him.

Holding it up, he frowns. “Now, we’re the couple who matches. Except we aren’t a couple?” He shrugs, wasting no time pulling his own shirt off over his head, exposing his stupidly perfect abdomen. “Okay, sounds cool. I’ll play along.”

After pulling the new shirt on, he looks at my shirt again, squinting his eyes the smallest bit.

“Is that a castle?” His eyes widen. “Are we…are you taking me to Disney World?”

“Nah, I’m taking you to the local carnival down the road,” I answer before I can’t contain myself and I hop up and down. “Yes! We’re going to the most magical place ever! You are probably right, and it will be the most overpriced and crowded too. But we’re underwear models, dammit! We can afford it! Kind of…”

“Are you serious?” He sounds so unsure. “Your plan today is, we are going to drive to Orlando and go to Disney?”

“Yep.” I grin.

“Why there though?” he asks softly. “I mean, what made you choose Disney for our day out?”

I take a breath. “Because you asked me if I’d been and I knew you wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” Slapping his arm, I squeal. “Now, thank God for early morning practices. Let’s get a move on!”

Without another word, he lifts me up in the air and pulls me against him. “Bria, you’re the fucking best.” He squeezes me once more before setting me down. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go! We’re going to fucking Disney World!”

Running toward my Jeep, I basically skip, clapping my hands together like a crazy person. “And guess what. The sun is out. It’s a gorgeous day. And that means…we’re going topless.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Get in, loser! We’re headed to Disney World!”

Giving me his best Brody O’Brien grin, he jogs toward the passenger side and hops in. “Ready to roll.”

The look on his face is something I recognize in myself and in my brother. It’s the look you get when, for once in your life, someone shows you that they really do care. And I have to say, I love seeing that look from Brody. Even if all I am doing is taking him to an overpriced amusement park, it means something to him. And because of that, it meanseverythingto me.

The day he asked me if I’d ever been, I knew he hadn’t. We were talking about our crappy childhoods, and even though he didn’t specify why he had brought it up, I could read him enough to know he was hoping I would say no. He was hoping that someone else hadn’t gotten to experience the most magical place in the world either. And when I said I had, his face fell the smallest bit. He recovered quickly. Just like he always does. One thing about Brody: he doesn’t like to show his cards because it makes him feel vulnerable. But he said enough that I know his mother sucks and his father is worse. And I guess I want to just make him feel special for a day. Because even though this friendship is brand-new, he’s already had such an impact on my life.

An hour into our journey, the sun beats down on us in my Jeep. The wind whips through my hair, but I love it as we both belt out the words to Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” as loud as we can. Probably looking like absolute lunatics to the outside world. But honestly, this is already one of the most fun days I’ve ever had. Maybe that’s because I’m spending it with him.

The song ends, and “Pretty Girls Walk” by Big Boss Vette starts to play from my playlist.

Nodding toward my phone, I giggle before glancing at Brody. “You can change it. I have a lot of music downloaded.”

He gives me a blank stare, narrowing his eyes before, slowly, he reaches for the volume, cranking it up. He sings every single lyric to the song, and it’s all I can do to not pee my pants from laughing so hard. I peel my sunglasses off, tossing them onto the dashboard as I wipe my eyes. The sight of this muscular, tattooed man singing to this particular song has me in stitches.

He wags his finger in my face, dancing around in the passenger seat as I continue to drive. Thrusting his hips and putting his finger to his lips, pretending to be seductive. Cars drive past us on the highway with a clear view into my Jeep. And Brody doesn’t give a shit. He just keeps going because it’s making me laugh. And that’s Brody for you. He just loves to put a smile on everyone else’s face.

My stomach hurts a little from laughing so hard by the end of the song.

“You’re too much,” I wheeze. “Are you a stripper now?”

“I could be.” He smirks, twerking his hips upward before turning the music down. “I’d probably beprettydarn good at it too.”

I shake my head, feeling lighter than I have in, well, forever.


I stare at Main Street, looking directly at the castle. A castle I’ve seen countless times on the television and social media, but never in real life. It’s cool. I mean, as cool as any princess castle can be, I suppose.

The crowd is unlike anything I could have imagined. From the time we waited in line, merging together with hundreds of people, till now. It’s crazy, but I don’t mind. And for once in my life, if I told my friends about this…I wouldn’t be telling a story.
