Page 33 of Filthy Boy

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“Tough shit.” She shrugs, her mouth curving up. “As long as he’s a good boy now and he treats you with respect, that’s what matters. And sometimes, with the right person, even the worst people can be good.” She looks down. “Obviously, I don’t mean in my and your dad’s situation. But in others, I suppose.” She smiles. “Besides, I saw the way he looks at you. I wouldn’t be so sold on thefriendstitle.”

All of the love in the world couldn’t have saved my father from himself. He was too far gone to be found. But my mom loved him through it. And for that, I think she’s a stronger version of herself. Thestrongestversion.

“I don’t even know if that’s what I want. And even if it was, he certainly doesn’t. His whole life, nobody has chosen him. Why would he trust anyone now?”

“So, choose him then,” she says softly. “Even if it’s just as a friend.” Her smile grows bigger. “Because I promise you, he chooses you. Even if he can’t do it romantically right now, it doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it at all.”

“What do you mean, he chooses me?” I frown.

“I heard you two talking this morning. I’m old…and bored. I eavesdropped a bit. He showed up here to apologize. He was scared that you were mad at him.” She sighs. “And then my favorite part was how proud of you he was when he saw your pictures. That’s a man who’s choosing you, Bria. Even if he doesn’t realize it yet.”

Well, damn. I gulp, taking in her words.

“And if I fall in love with someone”—I look away, embarrassed—“someone I can never have?”

“Better than not falling at all, right?” She winks before kissing my forehead. “You’re going to be just fine, baby girl. I love you lots.”

“Love you too,” I whisper. “So much.”



After my ass-crack-of-dawn workout, I stop at the post office to send out my monthly check. Popping the large box open, I slide the envelope in and head back to my truck. One thing about being endorsed by Rugged & Co. is, they pay pretty damn good. And since my grandmother has been in the nursing home with Alzheimer’s, the money helps pay for what her insurance doesn’t.

I’d go visit her more, if I could. But since I’m in Georgia, heading to South Carolina randomly isn’t exactly ideal during hockey season. Then again, she hasn’t known who I am in close to a year. In fact, she thinks I’m my father. Which makes it worse because he’s the last person I want to be confused with. It also makes her scared of me, so it’s best if I stay here.

Though nothing is set in stone yet, Coach has talked to me a few times, and there’s been some chatter that the Tampa Bay Lightning might be interested in drafting me. And since I’m never going to want to live somewhere that I’ll freeze my ass off, like somewhere in New England, Florida is the best-case scenario. Besides, if I live in Florida after this year, maybe Bria and I could remain friends. Since I’m sure she’ll want to be close to her mom when she settles down one day.

I’ve never really thought that I needed a degree because I’ve always just assumed hockey will work out for me. Besides, my grades have never been stellar in certain departments. Sure, math comes fairly easy, but when it comes to reading and writing classes, forget it. I pass by the skin of my teeth. And that’s only because some of the guys on the team have helped me in the past or I’ve had a tutor.

Pulling into the driveway, I spot Tate coming outside, headed for her car.

“There’s my Tater Tot,” I say, pushing my door open and climbing out. “Where are you off to bright and early, little lady?”

“I’m going home for my neighbor’s benefit dinner that’s tonight, remember?” She smiles sweetly. “Which means you won’t have to deal with the awkwardness thatisme and Link.”

“He ought to be driving you, babe.” I pull her door open for her, leaning in the frame once she slides behind the wheel. “But I gotta admit, that grumpy fuck has been nicer lately. If I didn’t know better, I would think he’s beginning to like you again.”

“That’ll be the day.” She barks out a laugh. “Don’t have too many women over, okay?” She scrunches her nose up. “And for God’s sake, if you do, sanitize the toilet seat after they leave. I’m not trying to catch crabs or something.”

“Aw-shucks, Tater Tot. You’re sure putting a lot of faith in me.” I pat her hair, messing it up. “Have fun at your benefit. It might be for an old person, but use it to your advantage. Sneak across the street to his house at night and climb on his dick.”

“Pretty sure that would be considered rape, Brody,” she deadpans.

“All right, so…show up completely naked and just drop to your knees.” I shrug. “He’s a dude; he won’t say no. And if a good blowie doesn’t fix your shit, nothing will. Just being honest.”

“You’re so gross,” she groans. “Besides, I’ve already tried that. Didn’t work.”

“Do tell, you naughty girl.” I widen my eyes. “Hell, sneak into my bedroom any night you want. I won’t bite.” Wiggling my eyebrows, I wink. “Well, not too hard.”

When she shoves me backward, I wave. “Drive safe. And remember, when in doubt, suck it out.”

She rolls her window up, but I don’t miss when she gives me the finger but continues to laugh. I’m only joking with her, and she knows it. But making people laugh is the one thing I’ve always been good at.

Maybe that’s why it’s nice, being with Bria. I don’t have to joke around all the time. I can crack some jokes, but I can just rest too. Knowing that the silence won’t eat me alive because I’ll have her right next to me.

Thinking of Bria, I pull out my phone and shoot her a text to get her ass ready. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen her. But today? Well, today, I’m going to take her out for a day she won’t forget. Because after the way I acted last weekend, I owe her that much.
