Page 36 of Filthy Boy

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“Never?” I gasp.

“Never,” she squeaks. “Not for lack of trying though.”

Dragging my hand down my face, I toss my head back. “Fuck. Why’d you have to go and tell me that? Now, all I’m thinking about is changing that.”

Regrouping, I tell my inner self to smarten the fuck up and stop thinking the thoughts that I am. Bria is my friend. Honestly, mybestfriend. I’m not going to do anything to compromise that.

Even if she did just tell me she’s never had an orgasm before. And all I can think about is making her come so hard that she blacks out…

It’s not my job to show her what it feels like to come. Even though I sort of want it to be. I need to stay strong. But I know I’m likely not going to. I’m growing weaker every second when it comes to her.

The trouble with friends with benefits? Someone always ends up hurt. And in this case, it’s going to be Bria.

After all, she’s sweet. And sweet girls like her don’t belong with filthy boys like me.


I stretch my arms over my head and yawn just as the episode ofYellowstonecomes to an end.

“Tired after surfing?” Brody asks from the other side of the couch, his feet up by my side and mine by his. “You should stay here. Tate and Link are gone anyway. Just little ol’ me, and who knows? Maybe I’m scared.”

“Oh, yeah?” I say, lifting a brow. “Big, bad Brody is scared of the dark? Needs someone to hold him at night?”

“I could say something perverted right now, but I’m not going to.” He shakes his head. “For once in my life, I’m going to be a good boy.”

He looks pained for a moment, as if he’s trying to hold something in. Suddenly, he opens his mouth and says, “So, not to beat a dead horse or anything, but, you know, out of curiosity…have you ever given yourself one?” His voice is husky, and I know he’s trying to play it off like it’s not a huge deal. But it is, and I know that.

I can’t believe I told him I’ve never had an orgasm before.

I don’t know why I did. Really, I don’t. It just sort of…came to my mind.

And I meant it when I said, it’s not for lack of trying. I’ve been with men. To be honest, after my dad died, I slept around a bit too much. But what can I say? None of them got the job done.

“You’re bringing it up again,” I groan. “And, no, I haven’t. Can we please pretend I didn’t mention it?”

“Uh, no. No, we cannot.” He scratches his chin. “So, one more time, just so I…you know, understand. You’ve never dipped your fingers inside of yourself and made yourself feel good?”

Covering my face with my hands, I feel like I’m going to melt into a puddle of shame. “No, I have done that. But…it didn’t work,” I squeak. “I’m going to go home now. And maybe die.”

“Rubbed yourself just a tiny—”

“Shut up!” I screech under my breath. “Stop. Talking. Now. Or so help me God, I will cut off your dick, and you’ll never get to have another orgasm either!”

Sitting forward, he grips my legs. “Cut it out right now. This is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Pausing, I peek at him through my hands.

“Truthfully, Wildflower, I’m, like…painfully turned on by it. And super charmed.”

Slowly, I drop my hands. “Really?”

He suddenly looks nervous. “Yeah. But I still can’t help you with it. I mean, I, myself, can’t do it. I want to,” he groans. “Ireallywant to. But I can’t.”

“What are you talking about?” I frown. “I don’t remember asking you to help me out with it.”

“Yeah, I know. But it doesn’t mean I don’t keep imagining it anyway.” He rakes his hands down the back of his neck. “But we both know if I dipped my fingers between your thighs or buried my cock inside of you, you’d come.” He swallows, and his voice grows hoarse as he says, “Even if I took your fingers and I helped you slide them inside of yourself…you’d be soaked. And you’d come.”

I squirm at his words. “Brody,” I hiss, “stop.”
