Page 38 of Filthy Boy

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Pushing past him, I look over my shoulder. “I think I’ll head home.”

“Is everything all right? You aren’t pissed at me for my friends thinking we’re hooking up, are you?” He cringes. “I know I could have made it clear to them sooner that the mystery girl I’ve been hanging out with is just a friend and I didn’t. I’m sorry for that.”

“I’m not mad,” I assure him, giving him a small smile. “I just have some things to get done at home.”

“I’ll give you a ride,” he answers quickly. “Just have to throw my shoes on.”

“It’s okay. It’s only a ten-minute walk. I could use the fresh air.” Grabbing my sweatshirt from the couch, I pull it on before my sneakers. “I’ll, uh, talk to you later.”

“Bria,” he says, his hand catching mine, “you sure you aren’t mad at me? Promise we’re good?”

Giving him a small smile, I shake my head softly. “I’m not mad, Brody. Everything is fine.”

Gently tugging my hand from his, I head toward the door.

I’m not mad at him at all.

The truth is, I’m falling in love with him. But he’ll never love me back. Not as more than a friend anyway. And so, right now, all I want is to get away from him.

Because having him this close and not being able to tell him how I feel…is hell.


After hours of sitting here, watching TV, I consider getting up. But then I change my mind. Because when Bria left here like the place was on fire this morning, I knew something wasn’t right. And when I called her a few times after and she didn’t answer, it was clear she was avoiding me. My only question is…why?

Tate comes down the stairs, dressed like she’s ready to hit the damn club. While she was away this weekend, she did something with her hair. It’s lighter, sexier than usual.

“Damn, Tater Tot. You showin’ some skin tonight?” I wink. “I approve. Oh, and by the way, I am digging the new hair. You’re giving me Sarah Cameron vibes. And you know how I feel about her.”

Tate and I started watchingOuter Bankswhen she moved in. Now, I’m hooked like a teenage fucking girl. And, yeah…Sarah Cameron is hot as hell.

She blushes, letting out a giggle. “Thanks. I’m trying something new.”

“I like it.” I grin. “Where are you headed?”

“My friend Holly is picking me up. We’re headed to a party.”

At the mention of a party, I stiffen. “Where to?”

“It’s at Oliver’s house. You remember Oliver from the planetarium?”

Fuck, this keeps getting worse.

Oliver seems like a decent guy, I guess. I mean, I’ve only seen the dude a few times. But Tate is a beautiful girl. She doesn’t know how much evil is lurking. Even at places like Brooks.

“Yeah, I do. But maybe I should go. I like Oliver, but some of those dudes he lives with…well, I’ve heard things. I don’t really like the thought of you there alone.”

“Good thing I won’t be alone,” she quips back. “Oliver and Holly will both be there. And I’m sure dozens of other college kids. I’ll be safe.”

Unconvinced, I nod, not wanting to overstep. “Call if you need me. I’m serious, Tate.”

“Yes,Dad,” she says, heading to the door. “I’m kidding. I will, I promise. I’ll probably stay an hour, tops, and need a lift anyway.”

“Tate,” Link booms out of nowhere, and for once, I’m thankful that he’s about to be a dick, “where are you going?”

“To a party at Oliver’s. Because, you know, I’m in college.”

“Fuck that. Those guys are creeps,” he growls. “I don’t like this, Tate.”
