Page 45 of Filthy Boy

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“I bet.” Bria cackles. “Well, I can’t stay. I have to get going to change for work. But hurry up and finish the next season so we can discuss.” She gives Tate a playful smirk. “Also, John B or JJ?”

“That’s easy. But I want to hear your choice too.” Tate raises an eyebrow. “Count of three?”

“You’re on,” Bria chimes. “One, two, three.”

After the number three leaves Bria’s lips, Tate calls out, “John B,” the same time Bria says, “JJ.”

“Wait, seriously? John B over JJ? You’re kidding me,” Bria says, gawking at her. “JJ does something for me. Then again, I think the psychotic, twisted brother is hot too. So, I might not be the best judge of character.”

Tate doesn’t hide the shock on her face. “Wait,youalso think Rafe is hot? Thank God I’m not the only demented one. His swagger? Yum.”

I look between them. “You both realize he’s, like, the worst person on the show, right? Like, if you were alone in a room with him, fucker is gonna tie you up, kill you, and then be laughing his ass off about it while he does that weird thing with his jaw.”

“Don’t be jealous,” Tate says in a teasing tone. “We can’t help it that they made the villain yummy.”

“Hey, I might let him tie me up. Sounds kinky,” Bria adds. “I’m sort of into it.”

“Unreal,” I mutter. “So unreal.”

Tate stretches before pushing herself off the couch. “I have homework to do. Finish this later?”

“Only if you bring some snacks,” I joke as she heads to the stairs, waving bye to us.

As I follow Bria to the door, just before her hand grabs the handle, I press her gently against it. “So, you like kinky, huh? You want me to tie you up?” When I feel her quiver against me, my cock swells against her ass. “Because I can arrange that, you know. Actually…consider it done.”

Instead of cowering, she arches her back and pushes her ass harder against me. “Maybe I do.”

A low chuckle comes from my throat as I drag my tongue up her neck. “I’ll remember that. But don’t cry to me when you’re all tied up, taking my cock so deep that it hurts.”

When I step back, she turns to face me, pressing her back to the door. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Gripping her chin, I shake my head. “You’re trouble.”

“I can’t help that you’ve corrupted me, Brody O’Brien.”

Rearing my head back, I narrow my eyes. “I’m not stupid, sweetheart. You were corrupted long before I came along. But I like it. You know why?”

“Why?” she whispers.

“Because angels don’t touch themselves while they suck dick. That’s why.” Leaning closer, I almost brush my lips against hers. “You aren’t fooling me, babe. You don’t want fluff. You want rough and dirty sex. Pleasure so intense that it’s on the edge of pain.” Putting one hand next to her head on the door, I hold my eyes with hers. “I promise, I’ll give you just that.”

Swallowing, she shifts her eyes between mine until, eventually, her head moves up and down in understanding.

“I have to go to work,” she whispers.

Stepping back, I stuff my hands in my pockets to force myself not to touch her. What we’re doing is messy as hell. I’m aware of it too. But fuck it. I want to have my cake and eat it too.Literally and figuratively.

“Are we still on for that thing we talked about?” She sounds hesitant. “The thing we talked about for our pact?”

“Hell yes, we are. We’ll do it this week.” I nod. “What’d you think, I’d back out?”

“Well, kind of,” she says, relieved before pulling the door open. She smiles over her shoulder. “And again…thanks for talking to your coach. I owe you.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can work something out.” I wink. “Bye, babe.”

Watching her head to her Jeep and leave, I know I have some work to do. Because a few days ago, she told me she wanted a new tattoo that symbolized something meaningful. She had so many ideas, but couldn’t narrow it down. Given the fact that I’ve studied her for weeks, learned the ins and outs of her, I told her I wanted to choose. I thought for sure that she’d say no. And do I think she’s fucking crazy for agreeing? Hell yes. But I’m pretty stoked.

She’s not just going to get any tattoo. It’s going to mean something. It’s going to symbolize her.
