Page 68 of Filthy Boy

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Tate has knocked on my door a few times, but I pretend I’m asleep. With my door locked, I pull the covers over my head and thank God for the invention of blackout curtains. I close my eyes and let the tears fall in my room, where there’s no one to judge me for being a baby.

I toss and turn, trying to drift off, but I know it’s useless. I can’t stop the tears from flowing, and I have no idea why. Certain dates have never put me in this bad of a headspace. So, why today? Why is this birthday affecting me this badly?

When I hear the front door open and close, followed by a car leaving…I know Tate has left. And it might be a stupid idea to go day-drink in my place of work. But, dammit, it’s my day off. And even if I haven’t had a drink in months, today, I think, is an exception. Besides, what the hell do I have to lose?


I ride with Link to Club 83. Ever since the night when I followed Gentry and Bria outside and freaked the fuck out, I have avoided that place like the plague. It’s been killing me. Not because I miss hanging out there with the guys—I mean, sure, that’s fun and all. But the real reason is that I can’t stop wondering who’s hitting on her. Is she finding her future husband there? Is someone disrespecting her? All of these questions drive me batshit crazy.

But I can’t avoid it tonight even if she is working. Which, hopefully, she’s not. Because it’s Cade’s birthday. And he invited the team out for drinks.

I’m back to not getting hammered. Mostly because I don’t trust myself not to run back to Bria if my thoughts are impaired, and that wouldn’t be fair to her. I can’t be the man she is hoping for. And because of that, it’s best to just stay away altogether.

“I wanna see Gentry get shmammered tonight.” Link grins. “He cracks me up when he’s drunk. He goes from being Mr. Quiet And Respectful to a loud fighting, dancing machine.”

“He’s on my shit list still,” I mutter.

“Why? Because he helped Bria lug some trash outside? Dude, you gotta give that up. I don’t think that’s how any hookups have begun.” He glances at me. “Let me carry this smelly trash out. Oh, that’s sexy. Let’s fuck against a dumpster.”

“Shut up,” I growl. “You’re annoying as hell.”

Thank God we pull into the parking lot so I can get out before Link attempts to be funny some more. As he throws the truck in park and we head inside, I stiffen at the sight of the yellow Jeep.

“It’s all right, man,” Link says, seeing me stare at Bria’s car. “If it gets too weird, we’ll bounce. Deal?”

“Deal,” I mutter, and we walk inside.

I beeline it for the corner booth, not wanting to risk looking directly in that angel’s eyes. And as I slide in, I can’t help but notice that she isn’t working. She’s a customer.

Not only that, but she also looks downright hammered as I take in her slumped-over appearance.

Great. Just great.

Time passes, and I watch Bria pour drink after drink down her throat before she lays her cheek against the bar. Finally, I see the bartender smile at her before telling her no more. And I sigh in relief. Because at the rate she’s been going, I could be making a trip to the hospital to have her stomach pumped.

I watch her protectively, making sure no scumbag comes over to disrespect her. And thankfully, so far, so good.

“Wouldn’t it be easier if you just went and talked to her?” Cam mutters next to me, making me realize that I’ve been so wrapped up in watching her that I haven’t heard a damn thing the guys have been talking about.

“Nah, I’m good.” I take a sip of my Sprite. “Just going to make sure she doesn’t get taken advantage of.”

“Because you love her,” he says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I don’t do love, Hardy. You ought to know that by now.”

“Neither did I, and now, look at me.” He bumps his elbow to mine. “As my daddy once told me, ‘Son, one day, the right girl is going to come along and knock you on your ass.’” He says the words in his best fatherly tone. “Turns out, that crazy fucker was right.”

“You and I aren’t the same,” I say, continuing to stare at her. “Not even a little bit.”

“What’s up, O’Brien?” Watson says as he pulls up another chair near the booth. “You still hatin’ on me orrrr what?”

“Yes! He’s so fucking wasted,” Link chimes. “Someone dare him to do something dumb. He’ll do it. I know it.”

“Yep.” I nod, ignoring Link. “I sure am.”

“Hardy, this isn’t fair,” Watson whines, looking at Cam. “Tell him it’s all your fault.”

My eyes shoot to Cam, and I narrow them. “What the fuck is he talking about?”
