Page 75 of Filthy Boy

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“No. I left something here. Wanted to come by and grab it in case the state takes the house.”

“You little fucking liar. You’ve never been good for nothin’. Guess that hasn’t changed.”

Working up the courage, I stand taller. “I just held her hand and watched her die. Where the fuck were you? Let me guess. Getting drunk.”

“Whatchu think, boy? You think because you’re off at college, you are a big shot now?” He laughs bitterly. “You’re still that same dumb fucking kid who couldn’t do anything right. You won’t amount to nothin’.”

I’m bigger than him. I’m stronger than him. And I know I’m faster than him. Yet I stand here, feet rooted to the floor, cowering, like I always have. Each word that spews from his mouth strikes me like a punch in the gut. And I’m back to being eight years old, scared to fucking death.

Stepping toward me, he smiles, showing his nasty teeth. “That’s what I thought, kid. You’ve never had a set of balls on you. You’re just a little fucking bitch, like your mama.” Reaching back, he punches me square in the nose, followed by another blow to the cheek.

Stepping backward, I try to get away from him. If he were anyone else, I would have had them laid out in a pile by now. But he’s my dad. And for some fucked up reason, that makes me unable to fight back.

His fist connects with my stomach, and he pulls back, hitting me in the same spot over and over. I’m frozen in time, unable to move as I shrink against the wall, sinking down onto my knees. And when I do, I vaguely see his boot before it lands on me with a kick in the ribs. But when it comes time for another blow…it never happens. Instead, when my vision finally clears, I see Link holding my dad down and Cam raining down punches on him.

“Oh, look, bitch boy brought friends to defend him,” my dad growls, his face dripping with blood.

“Stop,” I say just loud enough for Cam to hear me. “That’s enough.”

When Cam stops punching, Link shoves him into a pile on the ground.

“You good?” Link nods toward me.

“Let’s go,” is all I give back, feeling the cuts on my face and the bruising on my stomach.

“You’ll be back,” my dad roars from behind us, getting back on his feet. “The rest of the world ain’t gonna want you either. You’ll come crawling back here, right where you belong.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Cam growls in warning. “Count your blessings, asshole. Your son showed mercy. If he hadn’t, you’d be getting a two-for-one deal for funerals with your mother.”

Giving my father one last look, I head out the door. I could be the toughest guy. Yet I can’t even stand up to the monster in my life.

And with my body sore and my face stinging…I close my eyes and try to go to a better place. And the only thing I see is her face.


As we head out of town, Link driving my truck, I’m thankful they are silent for the most part. That is, until Cam can’t take it anymore.

“Brody, I’m sorry,” he mutters, and I hear the emotion in his voice. “I…I had no idea it was this bad.”

Opening my eyes, I gaze out the window. “You’re lucky, Hardy. You have parents who love you.” I shrug. “But not all of us have stories like that.”

“I know,” he whispers.

“Do you see now why it’s not so cut and dry with Bria and me?” I rest my head on the window. “She’s had enough pain, Cam. She doesn’t need me bringing her more.”

“Just because your old man’s fucked in the head doesn’t mean you are,” Link says, glancing over at me. “You’re nothing like that loser. You have to know that.”

I’m quiet for a moment, trying to form a thought. Which isn’t an easy task when every part of my body is fucking hurting.

“Y’all have seen me fight. You’ve seen when I get mad.” I swallow the lump in my throat. Or I try to, but it stays. “My grandfather was an angry, abusive drunk who died in a car accident when I was a kid. He’d beaten the shit out of my father day in and day out when he was just a boy. And then, look, my father turned around and became the same person.” I cough, my lungs burning. “I don’t ever want to hurt someone I love.”

“So, you love Bria?” Cam says softly. “You’re admitting it.”

“She’s one of the few things I’ve ever loved.” I turn my head to wipe my eyes so they don’t see. “Even the thought of her on days like today saves me.”

I close my eyes, imagining her sitting beside me. And the pain starts to dull.

“Brody, you aren’t your dad. Or your grandfather. If I could make you see that, I would. But I promise you, you are the one who’s going to break that cycle. You just have to stop fighting happiness,” Cam says, patting my shoulder. “Today was a bad day. And if the first person you thought about to help you through it was Bria? Well then, I’d say you know what you have to do.”
