Page 9 of Filthy Boy

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I release their shirts, and they both stare at me with wide eyes.

“Oh, we’re sorry. We…we didn’t mean no harm. Just a little fun.”

“She’s being too nice to you two morons,” a deep voice says. “I ain’t all that nice.”

My eyes move to follow the sound to find none other thanBrody freaking O’Brientaking a seat at the end of the bar. Lord, why does this dude keep popping up everywhere?

“Hey, Brody. We were just being dumb. We told her we were sorry,” Dumbass One stutters. “We’re huge fans of yours.”

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re a fan or not. If I hear one more thing come out of you cocksuckers, directed at her, you’ll be in a nursing home, connected to a bunch of tubes, eating applesauce and having your asses wiped for you. Feel me?” He jerks his head at the door. “Now, get the fuck out of here.”

Scurrying off their seats, they pause when he adds, “And don’t forget to pay and tip your bartender either, clowns.”

Reaching in their wallets, they put down way more than they owe before bolting for the door. And when I look back at Brody, he winks.

“We meet again, Wildflower.”

“It’s Bria,” I correct him. “What can I get you?”

“Oh, I know your name.” He grins. “And how about a Bud Light?”

“Bottle or draft?”


Reaching into the cooler, I grab the frosty bottle before taking the cap off. As I go to slide it to him, his eyes stare at me just a little too long, and I’m lucky I don’t dump the entire thing onto his lap.

He makes me nervous, and I have no idea why. My entire life, I’ve been surrounded by football players and other athletes, thanks to my brother. Even when modeling, I’ve worked with my fair share of attractive men. But Brody O’Brien fills any room he walks into, straight to the rafters. His presence becomes impossible to ignore, even when he’s just sitting down.

Counting the money, I put what they owed in the register before holding up the thirty extra dollars. “Not bad.” I shrug at Brody. “I guess dealing with their annoying comments had its perks.”

“I guess so,” he says coolly, his eyes smiling, though his lips aren’t.

“I had that covered, by the way,” I say, leaning forward with my hands planted on the wood. “But thanks. I don’t think I’ll be seeing them again.”

“With dumbasses like that, the highlight of their week is going to a bar that’s meant for college kids and making ignorant comments to the hot bartender.”

He called me hot. I try not to react as I nod nonchalantly.

“So, Rugged & Co., huh?” he says, leaning back slightly. “Guess we’ll be seeinga lotof each other.”

Knowing he means that literally, I feel my cheeks heat. “Yeah…one of the former agencies I worked with hooked me up with them when I told them I was moving here. It’s not my dream job, but it’s nice to have the extra cash. That’s where I met Sebastian. He worked for them before Rugged & Co.”

“What time do you get out of here tonight?” he asks before finishing his beer.

“Usually around midnight, depending on the stragglers who like to hang around late.” I realize he might be about to ask me to hang out, so I stand up straight. “I’m not meeting up with you at midnight. Just FYI.”

His lip twitches. “Did I ask you to meet up with me at midnight? Sounds like wishful thinking, if you ask me.”

“Well, uh…no, I guess you didn’t,” I say, wanting to die of embarrassment. “But in case you were going to ask me, I was just letting you know that I wasn’t interested. That’s all.”

“Iwasgoing to ask you.” He shrugs shamelessly. “You’re hot. I’ve seen you practically naked. I figured, you know, we’ve basically already had sex with how steamy those pictures were.”

My mouth hangs open. “We most certainly have not! And we will not either.”

“Shit, that sucks,” he mutters. “You sure? I’ve been told I’m a good time. Plus, I’m not just a taker. I like to give too.”

“I’m sure you do.” I swallow, my mouth suddenly watering from the image of him pounding into my neighbor, assaulting my brain for the millionth time. “But I don’t do…that. Not anymore.”
