Page 3 of Lost Boy

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“Who would look at Watson Gentry, our six-foot-two goalie for the Wolves, and think,That guy right there is heading home to light some fucking smelly candles?” I say, shaking my head and grinning. “You’re a real gem, Gentry. Martha Stewart would be proud.”

“Hey, I’m confident in my manhood. I ain’t afraid to enjoy some smelly soaps and candles.” He shrugs. “And you guys secretly love the candles and the hand soaps my mom gives us too.”

“It’s no secret, my man. I’ll love your candles loud and proud.” I nod. “I’d have sex with the vanilla cupcake one if I could find a way to stick my dick in it. But that’s probably illegal or some shit. And that’d be one really embarrassing charge.”

“Jesus Christ,” Hunter mutters, rolling his eyes. “One thing we’re going to do is establish some ground rules. First, don’t hit on my sister. Second, don’t try to bone my sister—”

I raise my hand before he can finish, and annoyed, he waves toward me.

“What, Cade?”

“Wouldn’t rules number one and two technically collide into the same rule?” I wink, glancing at Watson and rubbing my palms together. “Wondering how many rules I’m fixin’ to break.”

Holding his middle finger up, he narrows his eyes. “Shut up. Don’t even think about it. Rule number three is, be fucking respectful. She’s a good girl. She’s been through a lot the past few years, and she doesn’t need living here to be another thing she has to recover from. So, please, for the love of all things … try to act civilized and not like complete cavemen. And keep your dick in your pants.”

“Well, I have to take it out sometimes, or it would never get oxygen. And if it didn’t get oxygen, it’d probably fall off. And how awful would that be, not just for me, but for the entire female population?” I sigh. “Not to mention, you’d lose me as a player because I’d have to go join the women’s hockey team.” My face lights up. “Buuut … I could get access to the locker room. I could look around and not even have to worry about popping a chub.”

Hunter gives me a murderous glare, his jaw tightening, and I shrug.

“All right, all right. Aye, aye, Captain.” I grin, saluting him. “I will … under no circumstances …notbone your sister.”

“Huff,” he growls. “Cut the shit.”

“Okay, I will not bone your sister, dammit! Now, make Watson swear it too. I feel singled out. You’re discriminating against me and not the candle lover.”

Turning toward Watson, he doesn’t even get a word out before Gentry is shaking his head, frowning.

“I won’t fuck your sister, man. Don’t worry. Besides, I’ve got my sights set on someone else.”

“Ahhh … big daddy has a lady!” I clap, dancing around like a moron before slapping his shoulder. “Who is the mystery lady, Gentry?”

“It’s no one,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes. “She basically hates me anyway.”

“The ones that pretend to hate you will ride your dick the hardest,” I say with a cocky grin. “It’s called hate fucking, and it’s the bomb. So, consider yourself blessed, my friend.”

Times like these with my friends, joking around and giving each other a hard time … I almost forget. For a moment, that hunger to get high leaves my brain, and I forget that my life is pretty well fucked right now. But then, when I stop laughing and the room’s quiet again, I remember that without a little pill every so often, I’ll be puking my guts out. And not only that, but I also won’t even feel normal. I would know—I’ve tried to stop numerous times over the past few months.

I’m not even in the driver’s seat of my own life right now. I’m just a passenger, stuck between jumping out and hanging on just to keep myself from having withdrawal.

I snap back to reality when Hunter makes us promise to be polite to his sister just before he heads out the door. We both agree. And I can’t speak for Watson, but I plan to do what I promised.

I just like teasing Hunter when it comes to his sister. I mean, shit, I haven’t seen Haley Thompson in well over a year—when she was still in high school. She was sweet—and far too innocent for me. And the last time I saw her, she still had a baby face. So, unless she’s grown up overnight, I think Hunter is safe.

I mean, how much could she have changed in a year?



Iglance around my new bedroom. My eyes land on the queen-size mattress, and I can’t help but wonder how many girls have been boned in the bed. After all, this was some other hockey player’s bedroom, who graduated last year, and it’s a known fact that hockey players tend to sleep around.

I moved in yesterday, but I just finally finished putting everything away this morning. Watson was here when I arrived, but I have no idea where Cade has been because I haven’t seen him yet. And with that boy, it’s hard to tell since I know he’s a bit of a ladies’ man and, from what I’ve been told, a party animal. Not running into him too much is for the best; I’d likely just embarrass myself because he makes me so incredibly nervous with his panty-melting grin and his confident swagger.

Ever since my brother was a freshman here at Brooks, I’ve been completely enthralled by Cade. His energy is always off the charts, and his smile lights up any room he walks into. He is soshiny and happy and has this magical ability to get the attention of everyone. And I … I’m just not like that.

My whole life, I’ve felt like I’m not where I’m supposed to be. Like I’m running toward something—to wherever I belong. I’ve always longed to just finally feel at home. But I haven’t found it. I’m not sure I ever will either.

Seeing someone like him, a person who seems so sure of himself, it’s as charming as it is infuriating. But when you’re as pretty as him, whowouldn’twant to look and smile at you? With his stupidly chiseled body, ocean-blue eyes, sharp jawline, and short brown hair, he looks like he walked out of a magazine. I have been around athletes my entire life because Hunter’s life revolves around hockey. But Cade … he is different from everyone else. He’s captivating while being his true self.
