Page 57 of Lost Boy

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“I’m fine,” I croak out, feeling my throat closing.

“Does he know?” He pauses. “Cade?”

I shake my head even though he can’t see me while I’m under the blanket.

“Nope,” I mutter. “He doesn’t need to. Not until he gets better.” My lip begins to quiver. “If he gets better.”

“He’ll be all right, Hales. Promise.” He gives my leg another squeeze. “If you need something to take your mind off of it, I have an idea.”

Peeking over the covers, I glare. “Seriously? He’s been gone for, what, a few hours? And you’re already trying to hook up?” I scrunch my nose up. “Ew. No. You’re like family.”

He frowns. “What? No! No. Fuck no.” He shakes his head. “Wow, Hales. What the hell?”

“My mind isn’t right today. What can I say?” I huff out. “So, if it doesn’t involve me and you hooking up, then, yes, I could definitely use a distraction.”

He looks down, blowing out a breath. Whatever he’s about to tell me, I can tell he’s scared to say it.

“Look, I’m going to tell you something I haven’t told anyone else, okay?” He gives me a look, telling me this needs to be our secret. “Your life right now might feel complicated, and I guess I just don’t want you to feel alone.” He sighs. “I, uh … got married. To Ryann.”

Shooting straight up, I suck in a breath so fast that I begin coughing. When I finally stop, I gawk at him as I say, “As in your dance partner? That Ryann? The one who I thought hated you?”

His lips turn up the slightest bit. “That’s the one.”

“Holy shit,” I murmur, flopping back onto the bed and dragging my hand over my forehead. “I’m pregnant. You’re married. What next?”

“Who fucking knows?” he whispers as he gives me one more pat on the leg and stands. “We’re going to be okay, Hales. And Cade? He’s going to be okay too.”

God, I hope he’s right.

As he leaves my room, I can’t help but think of how insane the past few days have been. And then, without any warning at all, the tears start to spill from my eyes once again. So, I close my eyes and force myself to go back to sleep.



When we took a different route home, I should have known something was up. But I was too preoccupied with the monster in my brain to even put too much thought into it. But now that we’re pulling through a gate, I’m starting to realize something.

I’m not going home. I’m at a fucking rehab.Again.

“What the fuck is this?” I growl, panic rising inside of me, spreading through my body like wildfire. Breathing becomes harder, and I don’t know if that’s because I’m feeling betrayed or because I know what’s to come if I get dropped off here.

My mother’s crying, and my dad’s face pales as he continues to drive down the long, paved road before stopping in front of a large, dark gray building.

“Buddy,” he says, turning and giving me a look of pity, “just get the help you need, okay?” His lip trembles as he looks at me. “Just get better, and then you can come home.”

“No. No. No.” I shake my head quickly. “Take me home. Take me home right now.” I drag my hand over my head. “I’ll be better, I promise.” I begin crying like the pathetic bitch that I am. “Piss-test me every day, Mom.” I stretch my arm for my mom, touching her shoulder. “Don’t do this, Mom. Don’t leave me here. I promise, I’ll be better this time.” I look at the building. “Don’t do this to me. If you love me, you won’t do this. Please.”

She cries harder. “I’m sorry, Cade. I’m so sorry.” She forces the words out, wiping her eyes.

Dad tries to reach for me, but I pull away.

“Cade, we’re only doing this to help you. We’re doing this because we love you.” Tears run down my old man’s face. A dude who runs his own garage. He wouldn’t go to the doctor if he cut his finger off—he’s that tough. “Coach LaConte said that if you put in the work here, you might be able to come back and keep your spot. This place has changed so many people’s lives for the better. It’s one of the best programs in the South.”

“No, fuck this,” I say. “Take me home. I don’t care what LaConte says. I don’t give a fuck about being a Wolf,” I lie to stop myself from facing what is coming. Withdrawal. Counseling. Meetings. Shit I’m not ready to do.

“You’re not coming home, Cade,” Mom whispers before she turns and looks at me. “Please. Please do this for me.” Reaching back, she takes my hand. “I love you so much. But I can’t live in fear anymore.” She shakes as she cries, tears dripping in big drops down her face. “Every day, I’m scared I’ll get the call that you’re dead. You’re killing me, Cade. Slowly, you are killing me and your father. Please, please … just give this place a try,” she sobs. “My heart can’t take much more.”

I look away from my mother because I don’t like the guilt I feel while watching her break down, knowing I’m to blame.
