Page 9 of The Way We Fight

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“In every new situation, there is a learning curve. This isn't just preseason for us, it is for the officials as well. I think Ms. Wright will settle in and do as well as anyone else in the league. I doubt she wants all the focus on her, though, just because of her gender.”

My heart was beating fast, and I almost teared up at his words. They were perfect and deflected from any smearing he could have chosen to do in that moment. He also mentioned not wanting the attention because of my gender and he was right. I didn't want to be differentiated where the job was concerned.

Pulling my bag up onto my shoulder, I chanced a look at the guys who I thought were still watching the TV, but they weren't. Their eyes were on me, and I knew they saw me blush at Coach’s words.

I didn't give them time to tease me again, though. I walked onto the street and headed toward my old car. Mom didn’t live far so I made it to her house in no time and began the mundane task of cutting twelve-inch strips of tulle for a wreath she was making.

Jesse was in his room, so it was just us on the floor of the living room as we chatted about how our days had been. Mom didn’t immediately ask me about the game, probably knowing I didn’t want to talk about it based on how the news kept analyzing the one fucking play I wasn’t watching.

But just like everyone else, curiosity got the best of her as well.

“Why did you space out during the game?” Mom asked. “It's all over the news.”

“Ugh…” was my first reply before adding, “It was new. Exciting. The moment got the best of me.”

“I get it,” Mom said sweetly, not even looking up from where she twisted her tulle. “Just remember to stay focused, honey. This is the big time. You will be scrutinized for every move you make.”

“I know, Mom. I was prepared for that, and I will handle it. Officiating isn’t new. I’ve had shit thrown at my car before from angry fans, remember? That division two college took their games seriously.”

“I remember,” Mom huffed. “But you got that call right. This one, you were wrong.”

“Gee, thanks.”

Mom laughed and I threw the tulle I had cut at her. It didn't matter how old I got, I was always her child, and she was always going to be my mom. She had become my best friend over the years–my only friend–and a part of me wanted to tell her the truth.

Sex wasn’t off the table when it came to my mom, we talked about it since I was fifteen. She knew when I lost my virginity, and to whom. She knew the guys I had dated and the ones that stayed over at my house. She knew it all.

I never told her about New York. Maybe because it was out of the ordinary for me. I have had my share of one-night stands but none with a stranger using fake names. Especially none that ended up being a conflict of interest where my career was concerned.

I wanted to tell her though. I needed to tell someone.

But just as I opened my mouth, Jesse walked into the room, and I closed back up. I definitely didn't need my younger brother knowing about my sex life. That was a hard pass for me. So, I let it go for the night, and tried to focus on family time, the food Mom had made, and all the stories Jesse wanted to tell me about the flea market.



By the end of the week, I was so focused on coaching that I had almost forgotten about the fact that I had to face “Apple” again.

That was a lie, I didn't forget.

In fact, I thought about it constantly. I could never figure out why I stayed so angry, though. Other than the added stress I was under, knowing my one-night stand was calling my games. Still, it seemed like it was something I should have been able to look past.

But I couldn’t.

When asked about it in the media, I tried to be as politically correct as I could, but deep down I wanted to demand she leave so that my life was easier. Even if that was selfish, I needed a fucking break.

Friday was spent answering questions about whether I would even have a win at all if it wasn't for our star quarterback. How many ways could I say, “I guess we’ll never know”?

Saturday was spent locked in my hotel room, watching movies, and googling Ms. Wright. Her real name was Charleigh Wright. She grew up in Atlanta and had over ten years of officiating experience. There wasn't much on her personal life, but since she sat on my face in New York, I was assuming she was single.

Although who knows for sure anymore. Not to mention it had been three months since that night and she could very well be in a relationship now.

“Fuck!” I yelled and threw my phone onto the floor to keep myself from looking for more. Charleigh Wright was “Apple” and she needed to stay that way. I needed to stop thinking about New York.

I looked over to the window of the hotel I was in with the team and thought about having her against the window in New York overlooking the Hudson River. Her tits were pressed to the cold glass, and I fucked her from behind while I told her everyone could see her, could see us. She squeezed me so tight and came, almost falling from the window and onto the floor.

I reached down and squeezed my dick that instantly got hard every time I thought about that night. Then I let go and pounded my fist into the bed. That was definitely my problem.
