Page 52 of Dario

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“What do you want?”

Elisabetta arched an eyebrow. “You’ve already been informed of our terms.” I sat up, thankful I was dressed, hoping it wasn’t done in front of either of them.

“Humor me,” I said laconically, and enjoyed the shock that was quickly masked. She thought I had no power, but she was wrong.

Or I hoped she was, but if I was mistaken, it would make no difference. I’d known right from the start there was no way they would let me go. I also knew why they were bribing me. Dario’s rep could turn on a dime and it was already teetering. I had the power to push it over the edge.

Either way.

Sofia clicked her tongue impatiently. “You sign the divorce papers, agree to meet the lawyer, so it’s believed, and in return you get your brother and a new identity.”

“Because if I just disappear, he might think you two are responsible.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Elisabetta bit out.

I stood and, much to my utter astonishment, Sofia took half a step back before she hurriedly corrected herself. Which gave me much more to think about. But I didn’t want to overplay my hand. I needed to be clever.

Elisabetta turned and opened the door, marching out, Sofia following her. Two men each carrying handguns fell into step beside me, and for a moment I was sure I recognized one of them. They weren’t obviously from the house. I imagined Sofia had more men up her sleeve than Hugo, but I knew I’d seen him somewhere.

Then it clicked. The wedding. I was sure I’d seen him there but had no idea who he worked for.

The small room, complete with the lawyer sitting at a desk, was a bit disappointing. I sat, though, because I intended to play along as long as I could.

“Signor Banetti,” the man started. “I have prepared the documents and just need your signature. Then I require a video of you saying you are doing this of your own free will but are too frightened for your safety to come forward. We will, of course, require you to repeat it in front of the judge.”

And of course, Judge Cecil Nolan came into my head. I wished it was him.

I picked up the papers. There was a lot of legal nonsense, but I could read and I knew I was insisting I was frightened for my life. I put the papers back down and ignored the pen the lawyer held out. “I’m sorry,” I said apologetically, “but I’m afraid this isn’t going to work for me.”

There was a beat of silence and the lawyer looked over at Elisabetta, confirming Sofia was simply a messenger.

“Perhaps you will feel differently when I bring you your brother’s fingers without the rest of the body that normally accompanies it?”

By not so much as a flicker did I let Elisabetta know that bothered me. I’d grown up with her bullying. I knew how she played.

“I think you know that my brother’s Papà wouldn’t like that. Or that’s what he told me.”

“What?” Sofia was on her feet. “How did—”

“Silence!” Elisabetta snarled, but it was too late. I’d just gotten my confirmation. I sat back and waited. Not for as long as I’d hoped, though, because the same two guards practically threw me back in my room. I picked myself up off the floor and sat on the bed. I’d seen the camera in the corner, so I kept my face blank, even though every cell in my body was screaming, “What the fuck did you just do?”

It didn’t take too long before the mystery man in a suit that probably rivaled anything Dario had spent on the wedding, and accompanied by two men, walked into the room.

He stared at me, then put his head back and laughed. I was happy he was happy, but where did that leave me? “Good boy.”

Yeah, he’d said that.

“You know you are fish food as soon as you sign?”

I inclined my head. “It’s not exactly hard to guess.” I paused. “You’re my brother’s father?” I hissed. “This is ridiculous. I don’t even know his name.”

“His name is Tomasso, but I am his uncle, not his father. His father was a simple guest of Roco’s. A very dead one.”

“Uncle?” I asked my heart in my throat. “Then—” He was my uncle?

“Who are you?”

He gazed knowingly. “I doubt you would know my name if I told you, nephew. You have been a house boy for all your years.”
