Page 88 of From Jerk to Perk

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I finally move and take a step closer and then another, and they’re so involved in whatever game is on they still don’t know I’m there.

So I clear my throat. “Oh, um, hey, guys,” I croak.

Three handsome heads whip in my direction so fast I don’t know how they don’t get whiplash.

Henry’s mouth drops open.

Wyatt grins like an idiot.

And Levi, who looks tired, gives me a small wave.

“Amalia!” Wyatt yells, and is across the room in seconds, picking me up and twirling me around.

At least Wyatt doesn’t hate me.

When he sets me down, he takes my hands, and looks over at the guys. “Look who’s here. Isn’t this great?”

Henry and Levi slowly rise, but still hang back.

“Hey, Amalia,” Levi says, crossing his arms.

Holy shit. It occurs to me that if any of these guys were to ask me why I just showed up, I wouldn’t be able to tell them.

Because I have no fucking idea.

I’ve come to say something, sure.

But what?

That I’m sorry?

That I miss them?

I can’t decide.

So I leave.



“What the hellwas that all about?” I ask.

Wyatt, Levi, and I look at each other like we just saw a ghost.

I join Wyatt, where we look out his front window. Amalia is jogging down the street and in seconds rounds the corner. She could be hailing a cab or heading to the subway.

Hard to tell.

But she’s gone.

“I think I’ll go after her,” Wyatt says.

Levi grabs his arm. “No, man. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Wyatt runs his fingers through his mop of hair and frowns. “I don’t know. She didn’t look so good. Kind of pale. And sad.”

Levi looks down at the beer in his hand and I continue to watch the street scene, which includes a woman and a baby carriage, a man coming home from work, several students, and a city worker in an orange vest.
