Page 94 of From Jerk to Perk

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“Levi Maverick's decision to explore the realms of erotic romance is not just a shift in genre, but a powerful statement about the fluidity and boundless nature of creative expression," said Henry Monroe, Mr. Maverick’s long-time agent.

"I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of human relationships and the unspoken desires that drive us. Writing erotic romance offers me a canvas to delve into these themes with a boldness and intimacy I've not explored before," said Mr. Maverick.

The literary world is eagerly anticipating how Mr. Maverick's celebrated narrative style and deep character insights will translate into this new genre. Critics and fans alike are curious to see how his signature literary flair interweaves with the passionate and uninhibited world of erotic romance.

His first foray into erotic romance is set to be released later this year. The novel promises to be a compelling blend of intense romance, intricate characters, and the eloquent prose that the author is celebrated for.

For more information about Mr. Maverick and his upcoming erotic romance novel, please contact his agent, Mr. Monroe, or his acquiring editor, Amalia Plum of Empire Ink Press.

If this is a joke,it’s a really mean one.

“What? What is this?” I mumble.

I stare at the page before me because I know what will happen if I look up at the guys. There will be tears. And I hate that.

“Amalia,” Wyatt says, “Levi’s giving the romance angle a shot. And I say thank God. That other crap he was writing was a massive snooze-fest.”

I look up in time to see Levi cuff Wyatt on the shoulder and Henry start to shake with laughter.

And they all get blurry, dammit, because the freaking tears won’t stay back like I want them to. All the disappointment and frustration of the last few weeks catches up with me and it’s going to come out one way or the other.

I look back at the press release before me, hoping this isn’t some sort of cruel joke, and that I’m not imagining the whole thing.

“Amalia,” Levi says, “I’m finally being honest about the Ryder Night book I wrote. I want everyone to know it’s my work. And there’s more where that came from. Henry’s submitting it all to you, all the sexy stuff I’ve written, in the hopes that you’ll take it on and publish it.”

I stare at him in disbelief. “You have more? Ryder Night is not the only one you wrote?”

“Nope. There’s more. And as much as I tried to deny it, because it might be looked down on by the ‘literary world,’” he says, using air quotes, “I finally admitted to myself how much I love writing this Anyone who has a problem with it can go screw.”

“But… but your career,” I stumble in a broken voice.

“My career is what I make it. I’m not bound by anyone or anything. I can write whatever the fuck I want.”

I look at Wyatt and Henry, who nod in agreement.

“I don’t know what to say.”

I really don’t. Especially because I don’t know what this means for me… and the guys.

“I… I don’t know if I can work with you. I’m pretty sure I’m being fired,” I say.

Wyatt sits back in his chair. “Yeah, well, that’s not gonna happen.”

How the hell does he know? How do any of these guys know?

Wyatt laughs. “Go ask Cam. Go ahead.” He gestures with his chin.

I get up slowly. “Uh, okay.” I move slowly, like I’m swimming in something thick.

I round the corner, looking over the field of desks and cubes in the direction of Cameron’s office. From where I am I see nothing. Until I get closer.

Huh. That’s strange.

Ralph is in Cameron’s office and has put his jellybean jar on the corner of his desk.

“Ralph, I don’t think Cam likes jellybeans,” I say, feeling woozy. “You probably shouldn’t leave that there.”

He smiles. “It’s actually okay, Amalia. This is my office now.”
