Page 100 of Unexpected Ventures

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“She didn’t. She’s wrecked.”

“What can I do?”

She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers. “Did you tell her any of this?”

“I tried. She wouldn’t listen. She kicked me out and threatened to call the police. She told me she never wanted to see me again.”

She takes a deep breath and rubs her temples. “I can’t say I’m surprised. I want to help you. I hate what’s become of her. We miss her. We want the real Beth back. The cold bitch routine is just that, a routine. We both know it’s not who she is inside.”

“I know it’s not her. I want the real Beth back too. I…I saw a man leave her house last night.”

“What did he look like?”

“Fair-skinned, light brown hair, tall.”

“Oh, that was probably her ex-husband.”

“He’s back in the picture?”

“He’s back in the picture for Luke. Beth definitely has no interest in him. I’m not on the inside anymore, but from what I gathered, he’s making a real attempt at a relationship with Luke.”

I smile. “I’m happy for Luke.”

“But Beth has some other weird shit going on.”

“Like what?”

“There’s an attorney named Shawn who’s madly in love with her.”

“I remember him.”

“She spends time with him, but I don’t think it’s physical. I think it’s companionship for her. For him, he’s dying to get in her pants. Honestly, I think she keeps him around to have some amount of control over a man. I truly feel bad for him. I think he has real feelings for her.”

“I guess I understand her need for control. It’s not like I love her spending time with another man, but it’s understandable. That doesn’t sound so weird to me.”

“That wasn’t what I was referring to. She goes to some underground club to get her kicks.”

“What club?”

“Hush Hush. I believe she learned about it from you.”

I give a short nod, unable to form words.

“I’ve looked into it. It has some high-end prostitution, and they cater to a variety of kinks. Mostly it’s just a regular sex club. I don’t know what she does, but I know she spends too much time there. She won’t discuss it with me.”

I place my hand over my mouth and close my eyes. “My sweet Beth goes to that place?” I say it more to myself than her, having a hard time believing it.

She nods. “Look, Dominic, I’m not one to judge. I’m not squeaky clean. To each their own. All I know is that my sister is a mess. She was the happiest I’ve ever seen her when you two were together. Your break-up destroyed her. We need to fix her.”

I have no words.

“Do you love her?”

Without any hesitation, I say, “Yes.”

“Do you want her back?”

“More than anything.”
