Page 143 of Unexpected Ventures

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Beth jokingly elbows me, and I just smile at her.

Reagan says, “Okay. Pick your next victim.”

I look around. Cassandra and Trevor are too easy. I think I know too much about Reagan and Carter. Hayden’s wife, Jess, has been fairly quiet. I nod at her. “Jess?”

She scrunches her nose. “Hmm. Let me think.” She looks over at Hayden. “Should I tell them about the shower the other day?”

He nods. “That was funny. Yes, tell them that one.”

“Hayden and I were in the shower the other day. He was on his knees with his head between my legs. All of a sudden, Kai walks into our bathroom.” Kai is their son who’s the same age as Matteo. “He asked what Daddy was doing on his knees.”

Hayden laughs. “Jess panicked.”

She nods. “I did. I said something about me helping Daddy pray because I was pretending to be a priest and that playing priest is a really fun game.”

Everyone starts laughing again and she places her hands over her face in embarrassment. “I don’t know where I came up with that, but now Kai wants toplay priestwith all his friends.Allthe time.”

Trevor smiles at her. “Father Knight, who do you select next?”

She looks around the table. “Hmm. I feel like Darian has never shared.”

Reagan scoffs. “That’s because she and Jackson practically have sex at the table. I don’t think she gets embarrassed.”

Darian narrows her eyes at Reagan. “We do not. Not today, anyway.” She smiles. “I’ll tell an old one. Your father and I made a sex tape in a rather compromising location, and it was subpoenaed in a court case.”

Skylar’s jaw drops. “What? You and Dad made a sex tape?”

Darian nods. “We did. When we were dating. It was when there were still camcorders and eight-millimeter tapes. We recorded ourselves and then Dad used the same tape to record some property he was looking at. The deal went south, and everything was subpoenaed, including the tape. I was frantic about it. You’re not supposed to tamper with evidence after it’s been subpoenaed, but I told him he better erase that part first. Honestly, I have no idea if he did. When I’m gone and you three go through all our tapes in the boxes in the basement, beware.” She giggles.

Reagan shakes her head. “Ugh, I’m officially not ever going through those tapes.”

Darian looks around the table. Her eyes land on Declan. “I’m in the mood to mess with you today.” She turns to Jade. “Let’s hear what you’ve got.”

Declan practically growls. “Don’t even think about it, Jade.”

Jade rolls her eyes. “I just had a kid, and he thinks I’m still a virgin. I’m giving a dirty one, Dad, so cover your ears or walk away if you can’t handle it.”

I see Collin shaking in laughter. Declan stands. “I’m running to the restroom. Be done when I get back.”

When he walks inside, she and Collin smirk at each other. She turns back to the table. “I was deep throating Collin several months ago. His dick is pierced. The piercing got stuck on my tonsils and I couldn’t pull away.”

The table is now rolling in laughter.

“I had a mouthful of his cock for like thirty minutes and, trust me, it’s a lot of cock.”

I’m sitting there wide-eyed. Beth leans over and whispers, “Every damn meal with this crew. This is what happens.”

“It legit took thirty minutes for him to stop being hard so I could wiggle free.”

Collin shrugs. “My dick was all the way down your throat. I couldn’t control it.”

“Apparently he gets off on my pain.” She smiles at him. “Anyway, it definitely tore my tonsils. I had a sore throat and a scratchy voice for two weeks.”

Reagan is practically on the floor hyperventilating in laughter. Cassandra and Trevor aren’t far behind.

Jade looks at her phone. “Oh, Mom’s here with your painting, Aunt Darian. I’m going to open the door for her. Where do you want her to leave it?”

Darian thinks for a moment. “Put it in Jackson’s study for now so it’s out of the way. Tell your mom to come join us when you’re done. I saved her some food.”
