Page 18 of Unexpected Ventures

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With his pointer finger and thumb, Dominic pinches the space between his eyebrows. “They’re seven. Are we really having this conversation?”

She slowly nods. “It’s the screaming and yelling we can’t have. Both were taken to separate rooms to calm down. They were both quite upset. As I’m sure you can imagine, it’s highly disruptive to the class, which is why we called you to come down here. We suggest you take them home for the day. Perhaps chat about not carrying on like that at school.”

I feel like we’re missing something. What set them off? I don’t know Valentina, but Luke doesn’t have a temper. He’s not a yeller and screamer, especially with girls. It can’t just be about her preferring Scotty to him.

“Do you know exactly what was said?”

She swallows, clearly uncomfortable. “Umm, well, there was apparently some mention by Valentina that Luke doesn’t have a father. He grew quite agitated over it.”

Tears form in my eyes. My poor baby. It’s bad enough that his father is absent, but now kids at school are throwing it in his face.

Dominic places his head in his hands for a moment before turning it to me. “If it’s true, I’m sorry she said that to him.”

I nod. “Thank you. Why don’t we just gather our kids and take them home? It sounds like it’s been a long day for them.”

Principal Roberts nods. “Why don’t you two wait here? We’ll get the kids and bring them to you. Perhaps they can resolve things before they leave so that they can start with a clean slate in the morning.”

Before we can answer, she stands and leaves. I’m suddenly aware that I’m in a room alone with Dominic.


I hold up my hand. “Don’t. We have nothing to say to each other.”

“Please just let me apologize for that night.”

“We’re a bit beyond that, and I think it’s your wife you should be apologizing to, not me.”

“Beth, I’m not married. I’ve been divorced for some time.”

“Well I suppose I can understand why.”

“It’s not what you think. If you’ll just let me explain.”

“I’m not interested. It’s ancient history. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

I hate that tears are welling in my eyes. God I’m weak.

He stands and walks over to me. I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. He rubs the backs of his fingers down my cheek. I close my eyes, despising that I like it. Despising how much his touch affects me.

We hear commotion in the hallway, and he pulls away from me. As soon as Luke sees me, tears start streaming down his cheeks and he runs to me. I scoop him up in my arms.

“I’m sorry, Mommy.”

I hold him tight. “It’s okay, baby. Why don’t we go home and talk about it?”

I start walking to the door when I hear Dominic’s voice. “Valentina, do you have something to say to Luke?”

“But Papa…”

In a stern voice, he says, “Valentina, tienes que disculparte!”You have to apologize!

Valentina looks down and mumbles, “I’m sorry for what I said, Luke.”

Luke sniffles. “It’s okay.”

We walk out without another word to anyone. I just want to get Luke out of here.

When we get into the car, I turn back to him. “What happened?”
