Page 38 of Unexpected Ventures

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Without bothering to say goodbye to Sebastian or Kevin, I turn and leave the restaurant. I should go to the only place that gives me satisfaction, but I know that tonight it won’t. There’s only one woman who can give me what I need, and I can’t have her.



Cassandra and I are walking through the park toward Luke’s baseball game. It’s about to start. The twins are on the playground next to the field. Giselle’s twelve-year-old daughter, Hazel, offered to stay with them so we can watch the game.

I spot Luke, number eight, looking adorable in his blue Lightning jersey, hat, and cute little baseball pants that he barely fills out. Trevor is hitting groundballs to them. He’s got on a matching blue Lightning shirt and hat with black athletic shorts that he more than fills out.

Cassandra’s arm is looped through mine. I nod toward the stands. “Look at all the moms drooling over Trevor.”

She lifts her head. Every single mother is legitimately watching him with drool practically falling out of their mouths.

She lets out a laugh. “He’s such a stud, isn’t he?”

I nod. “He is. But they don’t know that he’s even better on the inside. I can’t tell you what him coaching the team means to Luke.”

As if sensing her approaching, Trevor turns his head our way and blows a kiss to Cassandra.

Because my over-fifty sister is so mature, she brings her fist up to her mouth and gives him the universal sign for a blow job.

I can only shake my head at her while he smiles and winks in return.

She lets out a laugh before turning back to me. “He enjoys the time with Luke, and he loves baseball. Speaking of sports with balls, you really squeezed Molosky’s balls on that deal. I saw the final paperwork before I left the office.”

I roll my eyes. “You have a way with words. And thank you, I did sort of kick ass on this case. The client was very happy with the outcome. It looks like everything will go through.” I hit a grand slam for our client on this one. I was definitely on my A game.

“I want to push for you to be made a partner. You’ve earned it. I’m bringing it up at the next partners’ meeting. I don’t anticipate any resistance. Everyone sees your value at the firm.”

I can’t help my huge grin. “Really? That would be incredible. Thank you.” I wouldn’t mind a big salary bump.

“It’s my pleasure.”

We approach the stands and Giselle waves for us to sit with her. She holds up two discreet water bottles that I have no doubt are filled with vodka.

We sit and she hands them to us. I take a sip as I sit and scrunch my face. “Did you put any mixer in this or is it just straight vodka?”

She shrugs. “Mixers are a waste of space and calories.”

Cassandra clinks her bottle with Giselle’s. “Truth.”

Giselle leans over and whispers, “Did you see all the moms on both teams salivating over Trevor?”

I nod. “We did. He’s a hottie. I can’t blame them.”

She rubs her shoulder against mine. “Speaking of hot, how was your date last night?”

Cassandra quickly snaps her head toward us. “You had a date?”

“Yes.” I give Giselle a dirty look. I hate Cassandra knowing when I have dates. She gets all crazy. “A cute attorney asked me out and I accepted. Let’s not make a big deal of it.”

Her eyes widen. “And?”

I sigh. “It was an eventful night. Shawn, my date, was fine. He was very charming and attentive. But Dominic was at the restaurant and got all crazy jealous. He’s fucking with my head.”

Giselle and Cassandra give each other knowing looks. Clearly, they’ve discussed my love life when I wasn’t around.

Giselle asks, “What happened? Tell us.”
