Page 87 of Unexpected Ventures

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I shrug. “I’d argue that he’s mine, but yes.”

Her eyes light up. “Holy shit. I had no idea. He’s so damn secretive. I didn’t even know he had kids until he had to change his work schedule with his ex-wife out of town indefinitely.”

“Yes, he’s very private.”

I see Jade deep in thought. “Beth, do you own a red Prada dress with gold buttons?”

I know where she’s going with this. “Maybe.”

“Were you in Dominic’s office a few months ago?”

I smile. I’m totally busted.

She returns my smile with a playful one of her own.

Reagan pinches her eyebrows. “What am I missing?”

Jade responds, “Let’s just say you’re not the only one getting a little in-office action, Reagan.” That was about as discreet as Jade’s capable of. “And Beth’s knees probably have rug burns from Dominic’s carpet.”

So much for being discreet.

All the girls start laughing. There’s something so endearing about this open, loving family.

Jade looks at her watch. “I have to run in two minutes. I need to get waxed for the gyno.”

I look at her in question. “You groom yourself for a gynecology appointment?”

She stares at me like I’ve got three eyes. “Yes. Of course. Anytime a man is going to be in my vagina, I want her to look her best.”

“It’s a doctor. It’s clinical for them.” I turn to Harley. “Right?”

She nods. “Yes, Jade. Your gyno isn’t checking out your vagina for its beauty.”

Jade shrugs. “I’m not going in all wild. My vagina will put her best foot forward at all times for all men who dare enter.”

These girls are a riot.

* * *


I’m having lunch with Sebastian and Kevin today. I can’t help the smile on my face. I’m really falling for Beth. I hadn’t thought about Hush Hush until she brought it up when we were at the beach a few weeks ago. I’m surprised that it hasn’t even crossed my mind.

Sebastian shakes his head. “You’re so fucking pussy whipped. It’s pathetic. I never thought it would be you.”

I smile into my drink. “I suppose I am.”

Kevin looks happier than anyone. I turn to him. “Why are you so damn happy?”

“Because Ifinallyhave someone on my side. It took twenty years.”

Sebastian shakes his head. “I was happily married for five years.”

Kevin looks at him. “If you were so happy, why did you divorce her and break her heart? You’ll never find anyone better than Lindsay.”

Sebastian tilts his head up and takes a huge breath before looking back at us. “What do you want me to say? I was a fucking idiot. I was selfish. I didn’t realize how good I had it. I was immature. I hate myself for it. I wish I could do it over again.”

Kevin and I look at each other in shock. Sebastian admitting all that is a big deal. I place my hand on his shoulder. “Have you told Lindsay any of this?”
