Page 134 of Enchanted Ventures

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“Why would Uncle Nico go to your room, Gigi?”

Glinda bends to look in the car and her eyes widen. I can’t help but let out a laugh. Good for them. It’s about time.

I say, “He just needs to carry Gigi’s bags to her room, sweetie.”

“Oh.” She mercifully then remembers our initial mission and shouts, “Surprise!”

Glinda smiles. “I’m most definitely surprised, but I’m happy to see my two favorite girls in the world.”

She slides in and hugs us both. “We’re going to have so much fun this month.”

“Gigi, you need to see baby Tyson. He’s so cute. He’s got light blond hair like Jade. Amanda sits and smells him all day long.”

She pokes Andie’s nose. “I remember when you smelled like a baby. It was so yummy.”

Andie pouts. “I’m not still yummy?”

Glinda nibbles on her cheek. “You’re still yummy.”

Andie giggles.

The three of us chat like old friends the entire ride to Beckett’s house. I’ve missed having Glinda around. It’s like she gives me a sense of peace and comfort I’ve never known. I think she also centers Beckett at times, being the voice of reason in his often-unreasonable head. I know her presence will be good for him and me.

The three of us have lunch together at the house. Karen prepared a huge spread. She’s just as happy as us when Glinda comes to town.

I tell them I’ll be back around dinnertime. I’ve got a few of my annual doctor’s appointments this afternoon, and then I’m going to run home and switch out my clothes. I really do need to start keeping more things at Beckett’s. I didn’t bring much back when we reconciled. If I’m being honest with myself, I think I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop with him.

I have my annual mammogram, which hurts like amotherfucker. I can’t imagine what it would look like if men had to go through this nightmare.

I then head down a floor for my annual OBGYN visit. My longtime physician, Dr. Crest walks into the room.

He smiles. “How are you, Amanda?”

“I’m well. How are you?”

“Just fine. I see you in the newspapers all the time.”

“Ugh. Pay no attention to that nonsense. It’s all lies.”

“Of course. Tell me how you’re feeling.”

“I’m great.”

He runs through the normal list of questions until he gets to the date of my last period. I try to remember, but I can’t think of it. I pick up my phone and scroll through my calendar. It hits me. It’s been about two months.

I look up at him, wide eyed. “It’s been two months.”

“Are you ever irregular?”

“No. Never.”

“It’s possible that you’re entering menopause. Irregular periods are usually the first indication.”

“Oh. Right. I’m sure that’s it.” I can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment.

“Why don’t we run a quick blood test though? It’s best to be sure.”

“We can’t do a simple urine test?”
