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I wondered to myself then, if I truly believed that Kit was capable of cheating on me. I closed my eyes and said it quickly.

"Did you sleep with her?"

It brought Kit's eyes directly to mine.

"No," he answered. "The last time I came even close with Maddie, I had no idea what I wanted; You're what I want now. "

"Then why is she so obsessed with you?"

"I dunno, Eves. For Maddie, I represented a lot of things. She came to the safe house in a bad way. I was there for her, but I still probably broke her heart. I thought she'd gotten over it but obviously not."

"That's obvious."

I was about to speak but words were knocked from my mouth as my body was thrown into the side of the door. The limo had been hit hard and all I could do was grip onto the handle above my head as the screeching of the car wheels against the road screamed in my ears, matching my scream.

"Eves!" I heard Kit roar as the side of the limo split open and I could see the bumper of another car pushing through the wall of the limo, pushing all of the interior between me and Kit against the other wall. When it finally stopped I was chucked sideways in my seat, thankful for the seatbelt that yanked me back.

My ears were ringing and my eyes had blackened until I searched the limo.

It looked as if the centre of the limo had been crushed by a digger. I could still see the number plate of another car, sticking through the wall where it had ploughed through.

As my mind cleared I could only think of one thing and I unclipped my seatbelt in search of him.

“Eves, baby. You okay?”Kit asked from across the limo, and I sighed in relief.

I couldn’t see him. All the lights inside of the limo had gone out seconds after the car had hit. I coughed and I wasn’t sure why. It was as if my body was using it as a way of letting go of the adrenaline.

“Yes,” I answered, my voice sounding croaky.

“I’m stuck over here, I’m gonna try to get out. Are you hurt?”

I shook my head and then answered him properly after I’d checked my body. Nothing was hurt I was lucky. The car hadn’t hit either of us but separated us both directly down the middle. I was in total shock and I felt myself shaking.

"We need to see if the driver is okay," I said, remembering that Bob and Phil hadn’t left with us. Through the window I could see an outside street lamp and just as I was about the reach for the door handle, I noticed the shape of a person approaching in the light.

“Someone is here,” I said, assuming it was the driver.

“Eves, lock the door,” he said pushing even harder to get to me before sounding more forceful.

It was too late though, because the door had opened and I expected to see a member of the public trying to help. Or the driver. Instead, I saw a face I didn't recognise but I instantly knew I couldn’t trust. It was the type of face I'd constantly been on the lookout for.

I looked at Kit then, fear coating my face as I tried to shift towards him but it wasn’t possible and I screamed once the man pulled me from the car and made me stand up.

“Kit!” I screamed louder, fighting against the man.


I saw what was left of the limo shifting as he tried to get by the section enclosing him inside.

“Don’t fucking touch her!”

“Come here,” the man said calmly to me as I fought and scraped at his hand holding onto my arm.

“Let me the fuck go!” I spat.

Everything happened so quickly and as quickly as Kit escaped the inside of the limo there was someone else there waiting with a gun pressed to his head. As I screamed I weakened on my legs and I was carted into the back of a van, where the door slammed shut. I instantly grabbed my arm, feeling a slice against my skin. I continued screaming for Kit despite not being able to see him anymore. Images shot across my head as I cried and begged to be let go. I heard a gunshot fire then and all I could do was scream for Kit, imagining the last time he had been shot trying to protect me. I cowarded against the wall sobbing once the van started moving, and I held my legs up to my front trying to protect my baby. Once my arm crossed over the other I saw the bracelet Kit had given me, my tracker bracelet. I cried holding onto myself harder. I didn't know what had happened to him, but I could only imagine the worst. I cried harder, my chest shattering. Part of me thought this was it. That I'd been granted enough lives. That this time I wasn't going to be saved. I was going to be killed.

Once the van eventually stopped,I trembled as I pushed myself as far away from the doors as possible, praying that this was just a nightmare. When they opened, I closed my eyes as bright lights flooded inside of the van.
