Page 115 of Toxic Love

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“Let me see what I can do.”

He smiles as he stands and shakes my hand. “Thank you.”

I nod. “Of course. But seriously, if Luciano or his fuckhead great-nephew say a goddamnthingabout Tempest, or try and come after her again,” I snarl, “I’m done playing diplomat.”

Vito smirks as he walks around the table and claps me on the shoulder.

“I think the entire city is clear on the consequences of laying a hand on your wife, my friend.”

Tempest isasleep by the time I get home much later, after checking in at Venom.


I grin as I close the bedroom door behind me and walk to the foot of the bed, watching her sleep. I don’t even remember the exact day when she switched from sleeping in “her” room to sleeping in mine.

It just happened.

I brush my teeth, shed my clothes quietly, and slip in behind her, wrapping her in my arms. Tempest murmurs quietly in her sleep, her lips curling into a lazy smile as she snuggles back into me.


This started as fake.

Now I’ve never felt anything more real.

The more things change…

The more I want them to stay the same.

The more I want this moment to last forever.




Someone’s calling my name, but it sounds as if it’s being spoken underwater. Why do I feel so sluggish?

I frown and glance down.

Why the hell am I sitting on the floor next to the toilet in Dante’s bathroom?

Blinking to try to clear the fog in my head, I force myself to stand.

“Tempest, are you okay?”

My brow furrows as my hand comes up to push the hair back from my face. I turn, frowning again at the vomit in the toilet, tinged with red.

Oh. That can’t be good.

Slowly, the events of the last five minutes come back to me. I was getting dressed for dinner and suddenly felt both lightheaded and nauseous, so I ran into the bathroom. I’m not sure how Iended up on the floor, but I’m starting to think it was after I realized I was throwing up blood.

“I’m fine!” I call to Dante through the closed bathroom door. “Be right out.”

I flush the toilet and walk on slightly unsteady feet to the sink, where I splash cold water on my face and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash.

I’m getting sicker.
