Page 145 of Toxic Love

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I love him.

“You want to hurt someone?!” I blurt. “You want to kill for your son?! Then kill me!! Please!”

Jacqueline’s brows raise and slowly, the corners of her lips curl up. “Oh, but Tempest,” she grins wickedly. “I already have been, for months.”


“Do you like your smoothies, hon?” she sneers.

Oh my God.

“They taste just a teensy bit different when you make them yourself?”

Holy fuck.

“I could have just hit you with a car,” Jacqueline says coldly, her eyes burning hatred into me. “Or shot you. Or hired someone to beat your face in.” She smiles thinly. “But I wanted to makethemsuffer, too, for wanting to take my poor boy to court and ruininghis life. I wanted to make them watch you fade away slowly.” Her lips curl even more, until her face is a mask of evil. “Your precious Dr. Han would never have tested for it, because, well, who would ever think arsenic when you already show all the signs of methylmalonic acidemia?”


“Tempest!” Alistair yells, his eyes wild. “What the fuck is?—”

“She’s been dying for the last few months, you idiots,” Jacqueline sneers, spinning toward my brothers. “She just hasn’t bothered to tell you.”

They both yank their gazes past her to me, their faces white.

“Tempest…” Gabriel chokes, shaking his head side to side. “No. That’s not?—”

“The best part, Tempest,” Jacqueline continues, “is I’ve already killed you. I could let you go right now, and there’s nothing they’d be able to do to save you. Your organs are starting to shut down. Thrown up any blood recently?”

A single tear starts to trickle down my cheek. Jacqueline spots it and laughs coldly.

“Hmm, that’s what I’ll do. You can sit there and watch me take away everything you love in this world: your brothers, and your little fake husband. And then I’ll let you go. So you can wander aimlessly, like me. So that you can fall into the gutter and scream to nobody who will listen about the injustice that was done to you. And then, Tempest,” she hisses, leering close to me. “Then you can fuckingdie.”

She whirls, marching over to Dante and my brothers and bringing the gun up.

“Now… Which one do you love the most?”

“Please…” I choke.

“Is it Gabriel?”

She grins as she presses the gun barrel to his forehead.


She laughs. “Or maybe the adopted one?”

“STOP IT!” I scream when she presses the gun to Alistair’s temple.

“Ormaybe,” she muses, walking back to Dante, nearest the edge of the rooftop patio. “Maybe it’s?—”


The whole scene goes still for a moment. Jacqueline turns her head toward me, smiling coldly. “I think we have a winner.”

