Page 150 of Toxic Love

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My eyes go wide and a sick feeling pools in my stomach as I look back down to my abdomen—at the gauze and bandages wrapped around it. At the swollen, bruised skin. At the tubes snaking in and out of my veins and the incision site.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“They’re both still in there,” Gabriel chuckles. “Which I didn’t know was how they did it until your procedure. But you’ve got a new one in there, too.”

My eyes snap to his. “Who?—?”

“Dante,” he smiles.

My mouth falls open. “What?”

“He talked to Dr. Han a little while back and had some tests run. Turns out, he’s a perfect match. So after we pulled you back onto that roof while you were seizing, Dante called Dr. Han, asked for the operation to be prepped, and we hauled you in.”

I stare at my abdomen once again before my head snaps up.

“I want to see him. Now.”

Alistair chuckles. “Figured as much?—.”

“Now, Alistair!” I blurt, my heart racing.

“Remember the part where you just hadorgan transplantsurgery?” Alistair grunts. But he and Gabriel unlock the wheels of my bed and start to push me and the rack of machines and IVs toward the door.

They wheel me into the hall, where an orderly checks my notes and confirms that I am allowed to be taken into Dante’s room. When the door opens, my heart surges when he looks up from where he’s talking with Lorenzo and Bianca, the latter of whom squeals and rushes over to me.

“Oh my God, Tempest!” she blurts, squeezing my hand tightly.

I grin at her, but then my eyes swivel right back to Dante. I’m almost bouncing out of my bed as they wheel it next to his. The second we stop moving, I go to claw my way into his bed, but they all stop me with shouts.

“Easy, Tempest!” Gabriel snaps. “For fuck’s sake, you’re going to kill yours?—”

“I need to bethere,” I blurt, pointing at Dante’s bed. He looks up and grins as our eyes lock.

“I thought I felt the winds pick up.” He turns to my brothers and Lorenzo. “Help her?”

“This issucha shit idea,” Alistair grunts, but he, Gabriel, and Lorenzo lift me gingerly from my bed and into Dante’s.

“Hey, little hurricane,” he murmurs quietly.

I turn my head to gaze at him. “You seriously gave me a fuckingkidney?”

“It’s just a loan. I need it back when you’re done with it.”

I giggle, leaning in to kiss him as best as I can.

“That might not be for a while. Apparently I’m not dying.”

“Well, then I guess you just hang on to it.”

He grins, leaning in to kiss me again. Just then, the door flies open, and Maeve comes charging in.

“You’re okay!” she sobs, shoving past Alistair and Gabriel to hug me tightly, making me wince.

She pulls back to grin at me, wiping a tear away. I frown as my eyes lock onto the bruising around her left one. “Jesus, Maeve!” I blurt. “What the fuck happened to your eye?”

She glances down. “I…it’s nothing. I fell.”

Gabriel’s face hardens to a stony mask as he turns her toward him and peers at her black eye.
