Page 44 of Toxic Love

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She rolls her shoulders as she pushes her hair back.

“Where are my shoes?”

Wordlessly, I nod my chin to where her heels are sitting by the fridge. She’s still unsteady as she shuffles over and slips them on, tightening the straps and taking slow, deep breaths as she stands. Without another word, she walks—wobbles—to the door. There she pauses, turning back to look at me, her mouth pursed.

“I’d like to propose a deal.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “Exactly what sort of deal?”

“You don’t tell my brothers that I passed out. And I won’t tell them that a deranged maniac managed to get past your security and hurt me while I was here tonight.”

She’s got balls, I’ll give her that.

“Interesting proposal,” I growl quietly.

She looks around vaguely. “I need to find my phone. I’m going to get my own ride back to the city. I’ll call an Uber and text my brothers that I left. I don’t think they’ll have a hard time believing I skipped out on this party.”

“I can call my helicopter.”

“Yes, because that would bewayeasier to explain.”

I smirk. So does she.

“And the hand? You don’t think Gabriel and Alistair will possibly have a question or thirty about what the fuck happened to you?”

“My hand is fine,” Tempest murmurs. “In a day or two, I’ll just take the bandages off and tell them I slipped on the stairs or whatever. But you?—”

“Don’t mention your little collapsing routine.”


“Why not?”

“Because those are the terms of our deal.”

I draw in a slow breath, walking toward her. Tempest shivers, but she doesn’t move away.

“What are you?—”

“I’m amending the terms.”

Tempest scowls. “You can’t do that.”

“Watch me.”

She chews on her lip, eyeing me. “Well?”

“I’ll play this game and accept your terms. But I’m adding one more of my own.”

“Which is?”

“No more surprises or bullshit. And you know what I mean.”

Tempest looks like she’s getting ready to throw something biting back in my face. But then she nods swiftly and sticks out a hand. “Okay, fine. Let’s shake on it.”

I smirk, rolling my eyes. “Fine.”
