Page 83 of Toxic Love

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And, yeah, if we’re being honest, there’s a very large part of me thatdoeswant to say yes to joining Dante in a shower. Because again, I’ve been given a hit of the dragon now, so to speak, and seen what this man can do sexually. And now almost two weeks later, without him so much as touching me, I’m quite honestly climbing the goddamn walls out of frustration.

But there is no way inhellI’m going to be Dante’s little “piece” sitting at home waiting to give him his release when he wants it.

I might be dying, but it’s not from a complete lack of self-respect.

“I’ll pass.”

He shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He turns and starts to climb the staircase. “Don’t wait up,dear.”

Two hoursafter Dante leaves to go back to Club Venom, at one in the morning, I’m still wide awake in the huge, glass-walled living room when Jeff calls.

They say the past is best left there. But when your past fucked you up as much as mine did, that’s easier said than done. I can’t just let the past stay there, because those monsters still haunt me, even if two of them are dead now.

I’m know there’s more of them out there, but there have always been three that live rent-free in my head, even seven years later. The first—the man who held me down even though I couldn’t even move from the drugs I’d been given—is gone.

I’ve spent the last few years hunting for the other two men—the ones who killed Nina. For justice. For revenge. Forher.

The day of our wedding, Dante told me one of those two was also dead: the one who held her throat, the one who wore the lion ring on his finger with one blue and one red eye. The ring that now sits in a box in Dante’s office, that he called a trophy.

But the last of them is still out there. That’s where Jeff comes in.

“Tempest, hi. I hope I’m not waking you.”

“Not at all.”

Jeff works as an investigator for Crown and Black. He digs shit up for them that they might need for cases. But Jeffalsohas a habit of staring at my tits, a lot, which is how I ended up asking for his help a year ago.

Basically, I pay him a retainer, and he uses his network of informants to keep an ear out for a man with a gold lion ring. It’s a long shot, but you never know.

“I think I might have something for you, Tempest.”

I go still, sitting bolt upright on the couch.


“Yeah. A woman who’s done some work for me in the past and owes me some favors works concierge for this super exclusive club.”

My brows knit. “And?”

“And, I’ve had her keeping an eye out for your lion ring, and she just texted me to say a rich dude wearing one exactly like you described just walked in.”

Holy shit.

“Jeff, that’samazing. Thank you! What’s the?—”

“Don’t thank me yet,” he grunts. “I just did a drive by to scope it out. It’s a dead end.”

Fuck. “Why?”

“Because the place is as exclusive as it gets. It’s all hush-hush, invite, members only. I’ve heard of this place, Tempest. It’s like one of those Eyes Wide Shut kinky-ass sex clubs.”

I blink.

No. Fucking. Way.

“It’s called Venom. Club Venom. And listen, I can pull strings, but there’s no strings in the city you can pull to get you into that place?—”

“She’s sure?” I blurt. “This woman you know?”
