Page 89 of Toxic Love

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One, I’d literally just spoken to Taylor on the phone an hour previously, from her office. And two, that girl wasnotTaylorCrown. It wasn’t until the redhead happened to look squarely at one of my hidden security cameras that I realized the truth.


Here, pretending to be Taylor and going withthatmotherfucker to a private room.

The dent in the wall next to my office door will linger as a testament to my wrath.

Meanwhile, Robert’s beenrelocatedelsewhere. And if I’m being honest, he’ll never leave that place. But that isnotwhat I’m focused on right now.

Tempest shivers, her eyes fearful behind her mask. Her hands suddenly fly up to cover herself, like she’s just remembered that she’s virtually naked.

I stop that with a shake of my head.

“Uh-uh,” I growl, closing the distance between us and yanking her arm down, revealing her soft breasts with those mouthwateringly pale pink nipples to me.

“You don’t get to do that, little hurricane,” I growl darkly. “Ifhewas going to get to enjoy the view,Idamn well will.”


“You will not fuckingspeakuntil I tell you to.”

Tempest’s nipples tighten to points as she shivers under my fierce gaze.

Furious as this situation has me, the sight of her has me rock fucking hard.

“What were you going to do with him?”

Her eyes widen. “N-nothing, I?—”

“Just some light conversation?” I snap coldly. “Maybe call the front desk for a fucking Monopoly board and play a quick game?”

She quails under my wrathful gaze, shrinking against the back of the couch.

“Nothing. I wasn’t going totouchhim,” she chokes, a sour look on her face.

“No?” I murmur darkly. “Then why thefuckare you in a private fucking room with him, dressed. Like.That.”

Tempest says nothing, and her eyes narrow behind the mask as her lips purse.

“I’m waiting…Taylor.”

The color drains from her face, her greenish-hazel eyes sparking as they lock with mine in the low, sultry light of the room.

Her lips curl into a sneer.

“As someone pointed out earlier, I’m not a prisoner, am I?”

“Careful, little hurricane.”

“So what I do with my time, and where I spend it, andwith whom,is none of your business?—”

“We are literally standinginmy business,” I snap, surging into her and wrapping my fingers around her throat. Tempest’s eyes go wide, and her pulse throbs. Her entire body trembles, and Ibite back a groan as I feel the hard pebbles of her nipples against my chest through my shirt.

“In case it’s slipped your mind,” I growl, “you’re my fuckingwife. So you can drop the bullshit attitude.”

Tempest snorts, knocking my hand away from her.

“Oh, is that what I am?!”
