Page 9 of Toxic Love

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“Anyway, I’m sure you’d like to meet Maeve?—”

I allow myself to enjoy the chaos of all three of his grandchildren sputtering and bellowing about the injustice of it all, what a piece of shit I am, and what a monster Charles is, blah blah blah, for another twenty seconds or so before I hold up a hand.

“Actually, Charles, no. I just wanted to stop by today and meet my new niece and nephews.”

The three of them glare pure death at me as I smile beatifically at them.

“I’m sure Maeve and I will have plenty of time later to get to know one another.”

Tempest’s eyes narrow dangerously at me. Before she can open her mouth again, Charles clears his throat.

“Tempest, why don’t you run upstairs to your aunt and tell her all about Mr. Sartorre?”

Tempest shoots me a cold look.

“You know what? That’s a great idea. I’d rather be literally anywhere else in the world but in the same room as you.”

“The feeling is quite mutual,” I smile.

She wrinkles her nose, holding her head up high as she moves to walk past me. But just as she does, I turn to the side, grabbing her wrist tightly in such a way that her brothers can’t see.

“Play nice, little cyclone,” I murmur quietly into her ear as she stiffens under my touch. “Or I’m sure I could be persuaded to rethink my position on sleeping with eighteen-year-old aunts.”

The fire in her eyes when she whips around to face me is scorching enough to burn. Half of me expects her to attack me. But in a frankly stunning show of self-control, she just curls her lips and leans in close.

“If you touch Maeve, I’ll fuck you.” She smiles sweetly. “With a claw hammer.‘Capice’?”

Then she turns and strides out of the room, letting the doors slam shut behind her.

Charles awkwardly clears his throat. “Well, my apologies for?—”

“Let’s move on, shall we?”

He smiles. “Agreed. And, since we’ve got the lawyers here, should we look quickly at the premarital contracts?”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. As if I haveanyinterest in taking anything from Charles. But fine, sure; we can go over whatever ridiculous prenuptial bullshit he’s concocted. His two grandsons immediately start poring over the paperwork he whips out, while occasionally glaring at me like they want to shove me out a convenient window.

Infuriatingly, a certain black cloud keeps blowing intrusively into my thoughts, distracting me from the meeting. A black cloud with way too much eyeliner, a mouth full of poison, and a toxic tongue.

A black cloud who, unbelievably, has my cock throbbing against the front of my suit pants for the next twenty minutes.

When I finally leave with a greasy fond farewell from Charles and two frosty “go get hit by a fucking car” looks from Alistair and Gabriel, I head back outside to where Carmy is waiting. When I find him leaning against the side of the SUV with a cigarette dangling from his lips, I frown at what I see scratched into the paint next to him.

“If that was you, it’s not the least bit amusing, and you’re paying to fix it.”

“Not me,” he exhales slowly, eying me coolly.


“Goth chick in black, about yea big.” He holds his hand up, chest height.

My jaw clenches.

Goddamn her.

“She used one of the rocks from the driveway.”
