Page 22 of Rhadan

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She stared at the mosaic tiles Mara had inset to craft a unique pattern of color. It created the same ward she had noticed in the railings, and she wondered how many of the protection spells were secretly placed throughout the premises.

Rhadan pointed to the middle of the parking lot. “Would you like to fly?”

Her heart stuttered in her chest. “Fly? I don’t know. I never considered it before.”

“Why don’t you try it? We can stop if you don’t enjoy yourself. Wait here.” He walked forward and when he turned around, she was looking at herself in front of the store. His eyesight wavered and his senses flared, and she assumed he had shifted when his vision became ultra-focused and he rose in height, looking down at her.

“Did you shift?”

His mind moved to hers. I did. I have extended my wing and have a raised scale at the base of my neck for you to hang onto once you are seated comfortably. Walk forward until you are within my range of sight. His gaze moved to the extended wing. His tail curled around her and subtly guided her toward the massive appendage.

She cried out in joy as the sunlight reflected off his scales. They reminded her of the Ruby slippers she had as a child. A replica from her favorite movie. While he didn’t see his dragon body as magnificent, her hands moved to her lips. “I see why everyone is obsessed with you.”

Only my brethren have seen my dragon form. They are not obsessed with me. I am usually careful not to influence them. He was silent as she climbed up the scales, hiking her dress up enough to seat herself at the base of his neck. That being said, my dragon is enjoying your admiration.

She ran her hand over his scales. He had turned his head and was looking forward, but she felt the muscles under his neck flex. It was strange to watch the cars amble by in the afternoon traffic, knowing they couldn’t see the massive red dragon in the parking lot. “We should take off before someone tries to drive in here. I have the feeling a car would lose in a collision with you.”

I would never allow a human to... collide with my dragon. We are leaving, however. Are you ready?

She couldn’t remember being this excited. Her skin prickled with anticipation, reminding her of her first pony ride. “Yes.”

I assure you I am far more spirited than a pony.

She smiled, because she caught the indignation in his voice. “Prove it.”

He jumped into the air as his wings propelled him upward. She knew he could have spared her from the initial feeling of having her stomach roll in her chest, but he allowed her to decide if she wanted her experience to be natural or more controlled. As scary as the rocking motion his wings created was, she needed this to be real. Even as her stomach rolled with the upward trajectory, she leaned forward to feel the wind whip against her face.

The clouds moved beside them as he flew higher, but he remained close enough to the ground that she could see the houses, streets, and vehicles rush beneath them. The dragon zeroed in on a dog chasing after a cat, and she smacked his neck slightly. “You are not going to eat that poor animal.”

His chest rumbled, and she realized he was laughing. I have never eaten a dog or a cat. I prefer my meals to have a fighting chance, though the occasional cow has made its way to...

“Stop right there. I prefer my burgers with ketchup and mustard, not hooves.”

The rumbling in his chest shook the surrounding air. Are you enjoying yourself? Do you wish me to still the air some?

“Don’t you dare. I have never felt so alive. This is better than any carnival ride I was ever on.” Her hand moved over his scales. “You are magnificent.”

Careful. Those sounded like words of adoration.

She huffed. “Don’t let your ego get out of hand. I said your dragon was beautiful. I never said you were.”

His dragon rumbled before he caressed her mind. My dragon is enjoying this more than you know. He’s used to me being the center of attention. He likes you looking at him.

She was enjoying their flight so much she assumed the pull she felt was him. When it became more insistent, she put her hand against his scales. “I feel something. Can you go in this direction?” She patted the right side of his neck.

Of course. Always follow your instincts. It may be Adara reaching out to you.

An image formed in her mind, but she didn’t recognize it. She shared the picture of a large metal room stuffed with artifacts and stacks of paintings with Rhadan. “Do you know what this is? I keep seeing it, but I have never had a vision before.”

It is not a vision. It is a location. Mara and Legion visited that same warehouse when they met. It was owned by Devlin.

“You have been there?” visiting anywhere connected to Devlin didn’t appeal to her, but she couldn’t block the force pulling her toward the warehouse.

No. Legion showed me the location and all the events that transpired prior to my awakening. All dragons are brought up to date on the events that occur while we slumber.

“That’s handy,” she said as she rubbed her chest.

What is it? You are distressed.
