Page 29 of Rhadan

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She took a deep breath. “The dragons give their mates almost anything. I know they make the women deliriously happy.”

“The one exception revolves around safety. We will do anything to make our mates happy, but not at the expense of their safety.”

Her hand went to her hip. “You would deny me a request if it were unsafe?”


She admired his honesty, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about his answer. Mara went shopping when she wanted and was not restricted in her activity, but she always had a dragon with her. Or close to her. Alana had teased Kell about being a dragon bodyguard, and Tempest had laughed. She hadn’t realized how accurate that statement was. “I am not sure what to say to that.”

His lips touched hers, and the cabin fell away into the darkness. He was gentle and coaxing with his leisurely exploration of her mouth, and she found herself leaning into his muscular body.

Her hands slipped around his waist and the velvet skin reminded her he was still naked. The hard length of him pressed against her stomach as his arms encircled her. She should feel trapped or scared, but Rhadan allowed her unfettered access to his mind. There was no intention of anything more than the kiss. He wanted her to love him. Not because he influenced her, but because she saw him. When she pulled away, she knew what she wanted, and her fingers moved to his face.

When he attempted to create a connection between them to allow her to see through his eyes, she shook her head. “Not yet. While I can see with your eyes, I can’t see you. Show me what you look like.”

His muscles tensed for a second. “Are you sure?”

She knew it wasn’t about his appearance. He didn’t care about that, but he retained the fear his power would affect her. “Yes. You can trust me.”

“I trust you.” He took her hand and led her upstairs to the bedroom. There was a mirror above the dresser, and he stood her in front of it before he restored their connection.

She sucked in a breath as the image formed. He was standing behind her, and she could see the left side of his muscular body. The tanned skin and chiseled angular features of his face were framed by long blond hair. He was something out of a fantasy with his aqua marine-colored eyes. She promised she wouldn’t be affected by radiance, and she wasn’t, but damn. Alana had been right. Rhadan was next level.

He frowned when she remained silent. “Tempest, are you alright?”

“Yes. You are a bit... surprising.”

“You are blocking me. May I ask why?”

Was she? Her hormones had spiked, but a girl would have to be dead not to be affected by Rhadan. “You are good-looking. I mean, you could use a haircut, but...”

His jaw dropped, and he blinked several times before she pursed her lips. “You are teasing me?”

“Obviously. Alana is right. You are next level. Honestly, I am feeling a little intimidated. It’s not just your looks. Your body is like a sculpture and even those don’t do you justice.” She shook her head. “You got a raw deal, having a blind woman for a mate.”

His chin rested on her shoulder as his arms circled her waist. “No Tempest. It is the other way around. My gift places a burden on me that you will share. For this, I am truly sorry.”

“I was only teasing you about your hair.”

He smiled. “Your teasing is a gift, one I haven’t known since I was a boy, but I am more than willing to cut my hair if it pleases you.”

“It’s beautiful, like you. Don’t change a thing, well, with the exception of clothes. If I wasn’t blind, I might stare at you all day.” She winked at him.

His eyes flicked with fire and his look turned mischievous. “For the first time since my gift emerged, I find myself interested in that idea. His fingers moved over her waist, and she giggled through his light tickles.

“I’m ticklish!”

He nuzzled her neck. “I noticed.”

She turned in his arms as her lips sought his. It was the first time she had initiated contact, and he seemed to take pleasure in her tentative exploration of his mouth. With his eyes now closed, the darkness had returned, but now it was rife with feeling as her fingers caressed the thick pectoral muscles in his chest. Had he been human, she would have assumed he spent hours at the gym every day, but Legion had explained the muscular form of the men was due to their dragons. It took a lot of power to propel their massive wings into the air and they began to build muscle mass when they were in their early teens. Her heartbeat spiked when Rhadan broke their kiss and whispered in her ear.

“Lay on the bed with me, Tempest. Trust me with your body. I would never forsake the gift of you.”


Fire raced through her blood as his lips touched hers. The pressure was firm, and she heard a faint growl in her mind as his hands gripped her waist. His mouth was hungry and possessive as he explored the hot cavern of her mouth. He transported her to a world of pure feeling. He shared every intention with her. The things he wanted to do to her. With her. The things he wanted her to try.

His mouth was magic as his hands moved from her hips to the edges of her cardigan. He slipped it over her shoulders before it dropped to the floor. The glorious sensation continued until his fingers moved to the buttons at the front of her dress.
