Page 48 of Rhadan

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“I needed the six. Without you, I would have died, and those who had started to emerge with me. Any druid with even a low level of power will surface now and they could be of any age.”

“How is that going to work?” Mara asked.

“Some will emerge close to their twenty-third birthday as it has been, but those past their twenty-third will start to come into their power now. For some, it will take a week. For others… years. It depends on the nature of their power.”

Tempest glanced at the druids surrounding her. “How many druid powers are there?”

Adara’s eye flickered. “There are over a hundred, but I have never been blessed with having a... full house. Druids seem to emerge at the time of need.”


“Do not worry about this now. We have a ceremony to perform, and our sworn enemy has fallen. This marks the beginning of prosperity for the druids and the dragon races. Rhadan, start the ceremony.”

Rhadan held two gold silk ribbons. He took her hand and tied them intricately between both their wrists, binding them together. His eyes flickered with fire as he completed the intricate knot. The emotion in his flaming pupils was so thick, it warped the surrounding air.

Rhadan’s voice echoed with that of his dragon. “Tha thu leam a-nis agus gu brath. You are mine, now and forever.” He put his hand on the crystal. Motioning for Tempest to do the same.

She did as instructed, feeling the power of the crystal run through her. Ancient. Soothing. Welcoming. She could feel Rhadan’s dragon. Its anticipation. Its love and commitment.

Rhadan took a deep breath as the power of the crystal flowed into him. “Tha ar cumhachd, ar cridhe agus ar n-anam ar n-anum mar aon. Our power, our heart, and our soul are one.” His eyes blazed with luminescent flames. “Tha cridhe dragon gu brath agus bheir mi meinn dhut. A Dragon’s heart is forever, and I offer mine to you.”

Tempest’s heart thumped in her chest, but it wasn’t fear. She had never wanted anything more, but she was so focused on her mate she missed his cue.

Rhadan smiled. “You must speak your acceptance of your mate.”

Tempest blinked. “What do I say?”

“The words are not important. It is your will. Your acceptance. The crystal sees your soul.”

“Rhadan Rule, you are the piece of my heart I was always searching for and hadn’t realized I’d lost. If we have eternity together, I will relish every second. You have given me hope and dreams of a family. I love you and can’t wait to start our life together.” The crystal hummed, the carved runes on its exterior glowed and pulsed. White threads of power latched onto their souls, weaving them irrevocably together.

She was inside Rhadan’s mind when she felt her magic spike. They had been together since the moment they met and spent so much time in each other’s minds it was rare for them to be separated. Even when she regained her sight, it had become a habit to stay connected. She could no longer tell where he ended, and she began. With the power of the crystal enhancing their bond, they were like one being, intertwined with love, magic, and destiny. Forever.

“You are one,” Adara said as the dragons and druids cheered.

Mara and Natalie had made a smorgasbord of food, and it had been brought to the temple courtyard. She glanced around at the picnic tables the dragons had constructed, bringing an updated look to the ancient temple. It was the beginning of the future.

The druids and dragons were already dipping into the trays of food, and she loved their excitement.

Rhadan kissed her cheek. “One thing has never changed since we were children.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

He winked. “Our love of food.”

She laughed. “That’s true. I can’t count how many times Legion has eaten something Mara made for me or Natalie.”

“Yes, and she scolds him and makes another. It’s hardly teaching him boundaries.”

“I think she likes baking.”

“She does, but I assure you, our leader enjoys eating even more.” He glanced around. “I cannot thank you enough for being mine. I would have sacrificed radiance in a heartbeat to save you. In truth, I am surprised I was left with any of that power.”

Adara smoothed her robes. “Your power is required now more than ever. I believe that Mother Nature rectified a mistake.”

Rhadan frowned. “What do you mean?”
