Page 6 of Rhadan

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“She honestly told you that I’m your mate?” She nibbled the end of her thumb.


Tempest frowned. “She never did that to any of the others.”

“That is true, but you are essential to her survival. To all our survival. I believe the threat to you is imminent.”

“I guess.” She frowned as if she didn’t want to be the person two species relied on. She couldn’t even leave the store without a walking cane and even then, one of the other druids or dragons went with her.

Rhadan moved in his seat, leaning toward his clearly distressed mate. “Is Natalie unwell due to her pregnancy? Dragon babies often make their mothers ill in the first trimester.”

Tempest smiled. “That is true of human pregnancies too. My mom said she threw up almost daily in the first three months.”

“I suppose that is true.”

The silence stretched between them. “Where are my customers? Camilla...”

“They are still in the store. I have placed us in a bubble of protection. Camilla and Nancy are in the cafe and the young woman is sitting at a nearby table.”

“Why did Adara send you to me? What is threatening me? The darks have known I was here since Mara rescued me.”

“Your power surged. They will come.”

“You had no interest in meeting me. You are here because Adara said you were my mate.”

Rhadan cleared his throat. “That is true. I would have... eventually, but I would have waited until your power matured.”

“You have been awake for weeks. Probably longer,” she said.

“Yes, I have. I will explain my reasons for avoiding you in time, but I was honest about my reasons for being here. The mage will sense that outburst of power. He avoids the store due to the wards, and while it would cause him harm, he could still acquire you here.”

“I have Daisy and the druids to protect me. I am never alone,” she said as she smoothed the wrinkles in her lap.

“That is true, and you never will be again.”

She pushed back an errant strand of hair that tickled her face. It was obvious she was trying to ignore the heat that radiated between them as he spoke. He could read her thoughts. She was wondering why he was there despite his explanation. She was taking none of his claims at face value. She was just getting accustomed to being on her own. To being independent. She liked it and didn’t want him to ruin her hard-fought independence. “The others will come if I call. I don’t need you to protect me.” Even though the words left her lips, they lacked conviction.

“And yet, you will have my protection.”

Her power pulsed. “You are not my mate.” It was a blatant lie. He knew she could feel her magic reaching for him, but she would not be dictated to by some stranger and that’s what he was to her. He needed to woo a woman for the first time in his life. What a gift.

“I am.” He grunted as her magic lashed out at him like a whip.

She gasped. “What is that?”

“What are you referring to?” he asked with concern.

She motioned to the air around her. “I see colors when my magic attempts to latch onto yours.” She turned her head. “I try to fine-tune the distorted images. What is causing it? Is my eyesight returning?” She increased the strength of her power as Rhadan grunted.

“Stop it, Tempest,” he groaned. She wasn’t hurting him, but her power was like a warm wind on the coldest of days. The urge to step into that safe haven of power was beyond tempting. It took all his willpower to keep his magic contained.

“I am not doing anything to you. I can almost see. It’s...”

“You are trying to bind us. You are attempting to tap into my sight, but that is only possible once you accept me.”

She tried to focus on one image, but the ground began to shake, and Camilla screamed.

“Earthquake! Get under the tables,” Nancy shouted.
