Page 111 of The Host

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“You have just taught me something valuable. Did you study the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet when you were a teenager?”

“Yeah! That’s why IknowI no longer fit this lifestyle.”

“When Saylor fixed my hair, she brought me the updated version. I’ll give it to you later to read, but the most important thing about the updated version is not a list of dos and don'ts… it's about asking God to direct you in your life choices and ask Him what to do.”

“So, drinking alcohol is okay, now?” he asked seriously.

Evie laughed. “The commandments haven’t changed, but involving God in your life’s decision the moment you realize that you want Him to be present is what’s important. I’m pretty sure you're not the only person in the world who has been raised in the church and then chosen to go another direction.

“Would God be a loving God if one of His children chose to come back to church but was rejected because they had not followed the dos and don’ts? What about people who are just now learning about the gospel? How horrible would they feel if they attended a sacrament meeting and the speakers were talking about the evils of tattoos when they themselves were covered in tattoos? We are a worldwide church with many different cultures and we, as God’s children, need to love everyone and not judge.

“I need to ask you for my forgiveness, Matt. I judged you because of your tattoos and that was not Christ-like. Will you forgive me?”

“You judged me?” Matt asked. “But you seemed truly interested in them when you asked me what they stood for.”

“Lake had gotten ahold of me before that day on the beach. I had already softened my heart about tattoos, but after what you told me… I realized that these prejudices are engrained in the culture of Mormonism and in order to correct that error, I need to apologize.

“So, do you? Do you forgive me? You don’t have to tell me right away…”

Matt stopped her talking with a kiss.

The kiss intensified and then softened.

And then it stopped.

“I don’t hear any talking!” yelled one of Evie’s brothers.

“Shut up!” Evie yelled back and then she took Matt’s hands.

“I need God in my life. I need Jesus. I have had too many special spiritual experiences in my life to not want Them in my life. I don’t have the right to expect the same from you, but as someone who I marry… I want to be married in the temple. I want the power and blessings that come with temple marriage. I don’t care about your tattoos, or that you’ve had sex, or that you got so drunk you couldn’t remember what you did.

“We all have issues, and we all deal with them differently, but the question I have for you is are you willing to deal with them in a different manner than you’ve done in the past? Don’t answer that question. That’s something I’d like for you to ponder.

“As for me, being a member of Jesus Christ’s church is a huge part of who I am. You’ve commented many times about how unique I am and how different I am. This is the reason I’m unique and different. It’s because of my belief in this gospel. If the gospel is taken away from my being, then I will be a different person. No longer unique and different.”

“You are right,” Matt agreed. “You would then be like all the other women out there that I am not in love with.”

Matt stood up from the couch and then pulled Evie up to join him. He embraced her and slowly rocked her back and forth.

“I can’t offer you that person right now, but I ask you to be patient with me as I do my own soul searching and pondering. When this entire show business is over, would you be willing to give me a chance?”

Evie looked into Matt’s eyes.

Without saying a word, Evie’s sea-green eyes melted his heart and gave him hope.

“Tomorrow night is the final invitation,” Matt began. “I’m going to ask you to marry me.”

Evie shook her head.

“I know!” Matt said quickly. “We’re not ready for this step. I want us to be ready for this step… in the future… but under contract, I have to ask someone.”

“Neveah’s out of the question?” Evie teased.

“Don’t even go there!” Matt cautioned. “That would truly horrify me.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“I’m sorry she cut your hair.”
