Page 113 of The Host

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Matt’s face changed from one look to another in rapid succession. His look was first of concern, which turned to a look of contentment. Finally, he smirked as one side of his mouth raised higher than the other.

“Shall I offer my hand or carry you, my lady?”

“Didn’t you get enough of me in your arms last night?” was what she wanted to say, because they had both fallen asleep in each other’s arms while watching TV in the hotel room. However, she knew that could easily get misconstrued by the cameramen, crew members, and viewers.

Evie smiled. “Your arm, my handsome prince, thank you,” was what she actually said as she placed her hand in the crook of his arm.

They made it down the stairs without any other mishaps and he escorted her to the outside mezzanine. A pillar was in the middle of the mezzanine with a letter… just like all the other one’s she had received from Matt… but on top of this letter was something she wasn’t sure she should have been surprised to see.

A black velvet box.


Displaying its contents perfectly.

The audible display of shock she uttered almost deafened her as she placed her hand over her mouth. It was truly the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen in her life.

Matt immediately grabbed her hands and turned her gaze from the ring to him.

When she looked at Matt, a smile of gratification spread across his face in approval.

“Do you think I could pry your eyes away from the ring long enough so I can have your attention? Or should I close the box?”

Evie looked at Matt, to the ring, and then back at Matt.

“Maybe you should close the box,” Evie whispered. “It is absolutely stunning!”

“You are absolutely stunning, my love!” Matt declared.

He reached over and carefully closed the box and then again gathered Evie’s hands in his.

“Evie… my sweet Evie!” Matt began. “When I agreed to do this show, finding love was absolutely the last thing I thought wouldeverhappen. I figured I would do what they said and then move on with my life afterwards. What I didn't intend to find was a beautiful woman who thought she was joining a job show, having been misled… by my sister no less… and found herself on a dating reality show instead. You stood out from the start. The second I laid eyes on you… I knew you were different. You were not like the other women and I felt an instant connection.

“I’m so grateful you didn’t leave because it took me time to admit that the connection we have is something I want to continue to have… when the show is over… when the cameras and super dates are over. I want to live a life… a normal life… with no cameras and no hype… with you.

“I commit to doing what I said I’d do last night… so we can continue where this night ends. This ring…” Matt picked up the closed box, “which I paid for with my own money… is yours.” Matt placed the box back on the pedestal and then grabbed both of Evie’s hands. “Will you marry me, Evie.”

Evie let a couple of tears fall from her eyes and smiled at Matt. She leaned in and kissed him gently and then stepped back, still holding onto his hands. “The time isn’t right, Matt.”

Matt returned her smile. “When the time is right… for both of us, I will propose, again.”

Evie wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck and held on. It was that or burst into tears… again.

This crying business was sure getting old, but at the moment, she didn’t care.

“I love you,” she whispered softly. Not because of the microphones and cameras all around, but because she was so overcome with emotion that that was all she could do.

Matt whispered those three words as well and they held on to each other until Evie felt her composure was stable enough to stand on her own.

When she released her hold, Matt took her face between his two hands and kissed her.

Carl appeared out of nowhere. “Matt! Evie! No official engagement has been announced, but it seems as if there might be one at a later date.” Carl then turned to the camera. “Audience, we at The Host hope you have enjoyed the roller coaster ride that Matt and Evie took us on. We have been recording for two solid weeks. Our Host and Non-Hostess will now go back to their homes and everyday lives for the next two and a half months. After tonight’s proposal… or lack of proposal… has been aired on national TV in eighteen months for us at this moment, and for you viewers, we will reunite everyone from the show for a live finale and see what has become of our Host and his “potential” Hostess. During the time of this recording and our live finale, Matt and Evie will have no physical contact with each other until we are live again with everyone. Until then!”

When Carl finished his speech, Matt took Evie by the hand, led her back into the house, out the front door, and into a limousine that was waiting for them.

Before she stepped inside the limousine, she stopped and turned to look at Matt. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“We are going to get inside this beautiful limousine, which might be the last time the two of us ever get to ride in one, drink that heavenly apple cider which the show provided, and then drive away from this mansion right to a vehicle outside the gates where your brothers are patiently waiting for you.”
